
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Just a little and mostly worried....

My big brother will be leaving next week to Iraq. He is all set and pumped. Everyone else is scared. He also just had a new baby born 2 weeks ago. Hoping and praying his tour ends quickly and safely.

To all our men and women in uniform (past & present): you are appreciated and I thank you for your service. You are amazing people. May all of you return home safely!!!!!!!!!!

I am so depressed.

My prayers will be with you and your family. Keep your head up and think positive Love!
As we have talked about in the past and without saying anymore -- you know how I feel KelliAnn...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-15-2010, 12:17 AM
May your brother accomplish his mission and return home safely. The members of our Military as well as their families are very special people!

but but I love youuuuuu <3

I'm sure everything will turn out fine. He's a hero in our books


my thoughts and prayers go with your brother ad all those servering our country right now.
It's a natural feeling we all know the risks they face. Hold your head PROUD and know that our prayers go out to him...there's a lot of power in prayer!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Thank you to everyone for your words of comfort and warm thoughts! I am feeling better now but the anxiety will always be there until he returns home safely. I am sure all the families of those serving feel the same way. Thanks again everyone!!!!!!!! I have a tear in my eye- rare that that happens .... We are all only human, after all.

Kelli Ann
as someone who has a brother in Baghdad, I know how you feel hun. Chin up and positive thoughts. that is what gets me through the many tours he has done.
May he return safe and sound and my prayers are with him and your family.

kisses baby
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Post has been removed from here since it is in a thread of its own and is not germane to this thread's topic. M