Joker Victim's Brother Refuses To Politicize Incident for MSNBC

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even though MSNBC wants to politicize this horrible tragedy, at least one victim's brother refused to play.

From the interview: Here's the thing, we can try to politicize this and make some sort of polarizing debate and make this a tenet of the election, but that's not what we're here to do right now. We're here to celebrate the lives of the victims that have been lost.

C'mon, MSNBC. Find another way to use this to support your candidate, President Obama.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-24-2012, 03:16 PM
Even though MSNBC wants to politicize this horrible tragedy, at least one victim's brother refused to play.

From the interview: Here's the thing, we can try to politicize this and make some sort of polarizing debate and make this a tenet of the election, but that's not what we're here to do right now. We're here to celebrate the lives of the victims that have been lost.

C'mon, MSNBC. Find another way to use this to support your candidate, President Obama. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

C'mon find another way to use this to support your campaign Mr Romney
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Even though MSNBC wants to politicize this horrible tragedy, at least one victim's brother refused to play.

From the interview: Here's the thing, we can try to politicize this and make some sort of polarizing debate and make this a tenet of the election, but that's not what we're here to do right now. We're here to celebrate the lives of the victims that have been lost.

C'mon, MSNBC. Find another way to use this to support your candidate, President Obama. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The question asked.

Michael Eric Dyson, guest host on MSNBC's Ed Show: Do you think that there should be a push for tighter gun laws given the horror that you just endured and how it has impacted you personally? Do you feel compelled to push for tighter gun laws?

A perfectly valid question to ask a victim's brother. The brother chose not to address the subject matter of the question at the time it was asked. He was not pressed for a more detailed reply
The purpose of the memorial service is not lost when questions like this are asked. The purpose is lost when the out cry of a few tries to suppress asking a question such as this.. Only someone with something to hide suppresses discussion and debate

So if you are for open debate and to be able to exercise your right of freedom of speech you support Obama

If you support stifling debate and restricting freedom of speech Romney is your man.