When Is Something Up Your Ass Appropriate?

That's a legit inquiry to all. Personally, when a woman is performing a BJ I truly enjoy feeling her snaking a finger up my backside. Some good 'ol fashioned prostate massaging while being sucked makes for a very intense orgasm.

I'm excluding strapon play since that is, in and of itself, the activity du jour, as opposed to being an added stimulant while doing something else.
DallasRain's Avatar
when you are bent over...lol

seriously..........anytime you are in the mood and it feels good!
cumalot's Avatar
There is nothing inappropriate in your ass as long as the enjoyment and consent are there. Where there is a substitution for the taboo, there is kink and where there is kink there is ass play at it's finest....ijs
When is it appropriate?! Hell, with this group, you'd be better off asking when *isn't* it appropriate.
DallasRain's Avatar
When is it appropriate?! Hell, with this group, you'd be better off asking when *isn't* it appropriate. Originally Posted by 7071949597

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Butt of course I will deliever a sweet prostate massage with a outstanding hot and wet BBBJ........Is there any other way??? Slurp Slurp!!!
Anytime I'm down on all fours with my face buried in some delicious pussy I always crave having another girl behind me pounding me in the ass. Haven't made that one happen... yet.
When you are extremely well lubed! Lol!
DallasRain's Avatar
Anytime I'm down on all fours with my face buried in some delicious pussy I always crave having another girl behind me pounding me in the ass. Haven't made that one happen... yet. Originally Posted by bigitaliantexan

but ya never know baby.......one day!
{I do visit Austin...lol}
Only on days that end in Y!
When it feels good!!
CajunGent's Avatar
If it is attached to a sexy babe like Sarah - I am pretty sure I would enjoy it.
I'm with 707 - when isn't it appropriate? I say if it feels good.....then do it!
When your Italian Princess's experiment for a couple of hours
When your Italian Princess's experiment for a couple of hours Originally Posted by Kinky Boy
Hmmm...I've heard that Italian Princess' experiments are treated well...

And thanks Reacher. Hell, if you have the right type of plug, I'm sure folks could have something up their ass all day...at the office, at the mall, at the post office...