bad man

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I just want to do a responce. I going to start off by saying every one that has met me know that i'm one the sweet's person you could run into and that is a fact. There a guy on here and he knows who he is Budman. But he really needs to grow up and man up. Here the thing he did a review and some of the stuff he said was false. The real reason is did a double with a girl that is thick and not fat. But by his book I dont no the difference. I know the difference. He lied in his review about the area I live in and had nerve to say my house is a dump that is a big fat lie and that is not the word I really want to use. He had nerve to say i'm not all that I tell you wat GUESS WHAT I AM. Couch thing yes my couch has seen better days. Be for I started doing this my couch was fine. I see differnt people and some are heavey then other and so on that note it cause my bed in side to sink. My couch is not ragedy by any means have a few heavier people that i have seen and not talking l75or 200lbs. I have had 300 or over and my bed in side that got fk up. I'm not on the starting drama stuff. But this guy just wont stop starting sh**. Few people comment on his review on his lies that was said. He had the nerve to say on one the comment that he must be my white knight or my pimp or all of the above. He is childish and has a mess up way of thinking. I work 4 my self and I dont need to have some one make up nothing for me. Im good at what I do BUddy and guess what I am all THAT. My reviews are on point and no made stuff. As for Rick doe and cariml you got it very twisted they dont even no each. Cariml has seen me Yazmin and Sara. You are mad that cariml comment on your review and yall had a back and fourt disagreement. So you see him post a comment on my reviews then you wanna make up a bunch of Bs that he's working with another member. I have my clients that do only see me and I do have a name for my self i'm not hard up that I NEED people to make up (in your head of yours) fake comments. Stop hateing and kick rocks. Every one should no that he is not creditable I have no reason to lie. He is mean and the comment that he left on brittanylennox (Prices going up) Why not lower your hour rate or make your 1/2 hour rate good for 45 minutes. This post seems like a BS thread made for two reasons; 1) keep your name on the first page of the discussion section by getting others to comment and then replying. Thereby generating business. IE an AD. 2) Get others to feel sorry for you and post replies telling you how you should never feel less than a lady, blah blah blah..... Thereby keeping your name on the first page. IE an AD. I feel that he was very rude on what was left. So what . This site is for making money. Get a life and stop hateing because you get bored and have nothing else to do. Why do u care if she want to be on top of the discussion section or if she's trying get more business. You are just a jerk and we dont need people like you on the site. You bring negativity, lies, and make beleave Bs. Come back to earth and quit the cramp that you are trying to pull. You did your review and got your comment LEAVE Me alone and i'm saying it nicely. Were done move on. And stopping dogging out providers out we are not here for that HOME BOY.. All im going to say ladies watch your self with him cause he does lie and is rude and mean and will try to mess your rep AND that IS THE TRUTH NO LIE,
Budman's Avatar
This post is painful to read.

Did Carijml give you access to the ROS? You obviously have read the entire review. Please tell me what part is untrue.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Yikes!! NO need for ANY companion to go thorough what u went too C brown. Thanks for the information..
Budman's Avatar
Yikes!! NO need for ANY companion to go thorough what u went too C brown. Thanks for the information.. Originally Posted by Sonya
Please tell me what she went thru? There is nothing in the in my review that is untrue. I also gave her a yes reccomendation and made clear that both girls were frindly and provided the services expected. You may want to get with CB and let her show you the ROS before you jump to conclusions.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Your a IDIOT Budman man Dont no what ROS is bUT I can see my reviews and the bullshit that is left. Carijml did'nt give me access to shit there go agian trying start another lie. LOOK AT YOUR REVIEW THAT YOU DID. The comments are in broad day light. And for the record Your review was false just by seeing the comment that were left and lies you said.
carijml's Avatar
Hey bud I just got premium access so not sure what ur talkn about me giving her access to ROS at the time old man??? you want to start something then bring it on... I've been nice to you, but you keep wanting to insist I'm CB's pimp bf etc ha ha you need to pull your head out of your ass, I'm in freakn China dude!!! I'm sure everyone who has ever seen CB can vouch she has no bf or pimp waiting at the door or any were else. She is a independent provider!!! Your reviews are false and as are your post in the comments. Not sure what your agenda is bud maybe your pimping another girl and trying to screw the rest of the other girls ha ha bud the pimp!!! Has a nice ring to it bud.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-21-2010, 05:36 PM
Both parties have had their say.

We report. You decide.

We are done here.