$1200 Custom Built Web Site.. Your's for $299.00!!

5 Reason's why your site should be built by us:

1. More bang for your buck! Get up to 10 pages & 10 photos (includes thumbnails & link to larger photo).

2. Your site built "just the way you want it". NO cookie cutter or template web sites built here!

3. Receive 2 FREE standard custom designed banners (468 x 60).

4. Simplify your life by directing clients to your site with your photos, bio, contact form etc.

5. The best reason.. It will only cost you $299.00! This is a special introductory price available to Eccie members for a short time.

Wait until you see what $299.00 will get you. You WON'T believe your eyes!

Interested? PM your email address to us for links to completed web sites, samples and additional information. We look forward to hearing from you & working on your site soon.

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