joe bloe's Avatar
It's starting to look like a very good year for the Republicans. The Missouri senatorial race appears to still be winnable despite Akin's faux pas.

Poll: Akin-McCaskill race still a tossup

Despite widespread assertions that Missouri Republican Rep. W. Todd Akin's abortion remarks have made him a heavy underdog in the state's U.S. Senate race, a Democratic-leaning polling firm released a poll Thursday showing him in a virtual dead heat with incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.
According to the survey by Public Policy Polling, Mrs. McCaskill has support from 45 percent of likely Missouri voters compared with 44 percent for Mr. Akin, a result that differs strongly from polls conducted last week by other firms.
Mr. Akin has been widely condemned by Democrats and Republicans since he made comments in an Aug. 19 television interview, in which he tried to explain his opposition to abortion for rape victims by saying that pregnancy is rare in cases of "legitimate rape."
Most notable Republicans have called on him to step down as the party's Senate nominee, and party leaders have vowed to withhold millions in contributions from his campaign if he does not comply. He has until Sept. 25 to exit the race and allow the state GOP to select a replacement, if he so chooses.

Mr. Akin was a decided favorite in the race before his comments aired, but he has since been painted by Republicans and some polls as virtually unelectable.
A poll last week by Rasmussen Reports showed him trailing Mrs. McCaskill by 10 points, while a St. Louis Post-Dispatch poll released last week showed him trailing by 9 points.
On the contrary, Thursday's PPP poll found that 53 percent of Missouri voters — including 77 percent of Republicans — have accepted Mr. Akin's apology for his comments, and that 54 percent think he should stay in the race, while just 37 percent think he should drop out.
The firm released a poll last week that showed Mr. Akin with a 1-point lead, inciting harsh criticism from Republicans, who called it a deliberate attempt by the left-leaning firm to keep Mr. Akin in the race rather than a scandal-free, and presumably stronger, candidate.

Why are so many of the recent PPP polls swinging to Republicans!
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Nice ( :
Missouri is a weird state anything can happen,might even bring in same SEC people to vote.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The PPP is a hired gun polling outift. They ask you want you want to know and then they ask you to tell them how you want it to come out. They weight the samples to get to that conclusion. The last poll they did had republicans weighted 9 % higher than the electorate. So is gave a poll that Akin was still viable. This time the weighting is about 2 % above average. This gives Akin a slight edge and continues to make him look viable. The last poll was commissioned by SEIU.
The net result is that Akin will not drop out because he thinks, rightly or wrongly, that he is still in the race.
Very good info JD, especially the SEIU connection; thanks.
joe bloe's Avatar
The PPP is a hired gun polling outift. They ask you want you want to know and then they ask you to tell them how you want it to come out. They weight the samples to get to that conclusion. The last poll they did had republicans weighted 9 % higher than the electorate. So is gave a poll that Akin was still viable. This time the weighting is about 2 % above average. This gives Akin a slight edge and continues to make him look viable. The last poll was commissioned by SEIU.
The net result is that Akin will not drop out because he thinks, rightly or wrongly, that he is still in the race. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Dimos are tricky bastards.
Rasmussen is the only poll to trust (and the Obama campgain internal polling) !
NiceGuy53's Avatar
snick Originally Posted by ekim008
Your "snick" comment is really getting annoying and old.

Can you offer any proof that the Rasmussen poll is not an accurate poll?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's bad enough with that immature moron WDF with his "fuc", and his poop and homo jokes, now we have these two, CBJ7 and Ekim trying to impress the kindergarten crowd with "snick". Morons. Jesus, you're old enough to drink, act like it.
snick....for the kindergarten crowd
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
snick Originally Posted by ekim008
I can't believe I'm gonna say this......

Ekim the Inbred, you're sounding very retarded with that "snick" comment.

why you little ass kisser that won't get you anywhere ...