For the ladies......your opinon(guys chime in too!)

GypsyHeart's Avatar
I recently had a discussion with a gentleman about rates(we talk frequently). You know we all have our standard hour, half hour or overnights. We got into the issue of a monthly flat out rate where the gentleman could see the provider x amount of times or unlimited. It would be an interesting dynamic added to the hobby I think, but I would have no idea where to target that.

So ladies, would you or have you ever done this? If so, share your story. No details required, save those for pm if you like.

Gents, would you consider an arrangement like this? Or have you been in one?
I've never heard of an unlimited rate! However, I would like to meet a man who has enough stamina to put up with me every day of the month.
KenMonk's Avatar
I've never heard of an unlimited rate! However, I would like to meet a man who has enough stamina to put up with me every day of the month. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
I could put up with you every day for a month... my bank account however is a completely different manner... lol

The monthly thing is more like a SB/SD type of relationship in my opinion.
Roothead's Avatar
Isn't this a play on the SD/SB deal?
Yeah, as a few different people have noted above, this seems to be a SB/SD arrangement. It's quiet common, although there are a few differences. I'm a bit of a novice in the SB/SD arrangements, but as I've been considering becoming a SD, I've read quiet a bit in those forums. There are a three of four people that post a lot in nationals and in SB/SD forums and might follow this up with better intel, but in the meantime, I might point out a few small differences.

SBs are normally are very low volume. A lot of SDs only want their SB to be with them, so that would be a huge difference. Most SDs do not want their SBs to be professional SBs. This would clearly be a difference between traditional SB/SD relationships and what you're proposing.

Overall, SBs tend to be a lot (and I mean a lot) cheaper per hour than providers, although their rates aren't calculated as such. I'd assume that you'd offer your client a discount for that kind of volume? If not, what's his incentive to book you that much? O.o Also, overnights tend to be a weekly or every other week ritual in the majority of SB/SD relationships.

While I know a few providers that have clients that like to go outside, my understanding is that most providers work 90%+ of their time BCDs. SBs tend to get a lot more non-BCDs time. Maybe every other meeting, the SD takes the SB out for dinner or to a movie or something like that. How would you and your client address this? Does he really just want unlimited BCD activities?

Most importantly, in SB/SD relationships, the SD is firmly in control, such that a lot of SDs get services from a SB that he would never (or at least should never) accept from a provider, like BBFS or the SD knowing the SB's real name/contact info. If the SD is not in control, he's doing it wrong. In provider/client relationships, the provider is in control, for her safety and preferences. I think it's basic economics... far more SBs than SDs, so the SBs have to bend to what the SDs want to be competitive SBs. In the provider world, the economics are more balanced, and well guys want their booty, leaving the provider in control. I would not be able to guess who is in control in the type of arrangement you're suggesting, but as a provider, I'd assume you'd want to stay in control?

Lastly, be careful about getting attached. It's a lot easier to do in SB/SD relationships due to shear frequency of contact and BCD activities.
I have done this several times. It is just a trust thing. One guy right now is used to seeing me Wed and Sat but I was feeling squirrelly this weekend and just needed alone time. He was totally cool about, even brought me lunch. But he is a big exception. Most clients would tend to get all pissy about it.

And I call bullshit yet fucking again on the SD being "in charge." I technically have three right now and the first time one of them tries to tell me who I can or cannot see, or what I should or should not be wearing or really anything other than "You look lovely, it is so nice to see you" will get kicked to the curb.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-04-2012, 02:37 PM
I recently had a discussion with a gentleman about rates(we talk frequently). You know we all have our standard hour, half hour or overnights. We got into the issue of a monthly flat out rate where the gentleman could see the provider x amount of times or unlimited. It would be an interesting dynamic added to the hobby I think, but I would have no idea where to target that.

So ladies, would you or have you ever done this? If so, share your story. No details required, save those for pm if you like.

Gents, would you consider an arrangement like this? Or have you been in one? Originally Posted by GypsyHeart
Don't know about the "unlimited" part, but a package of $XXX a month for YYY hrs, usually at a noticable discount from the standard rate, works well for some ladies. Usually there is no "advertizing", it comes up in discussion with someone who is already a regular--and both people have developed a level of trust, chemistry, and comfort.

For the lady there are definate advantages: some amount of stability in her income, and with a guy she likes to see. For the guy it's price.

I am aware of at least three ladies who eventually had a small number of guys with monthly arangements so she could go completely UTR. They provided what she needed, she had the flexibility for her family & day job, and she felt comfortable every date would be a very low risk venture. If I remember right each guy got two 4-hour dinner dates for about $1200 a month. Before she retired I think that 4 hr date would have been about $1000 each, so it was about a 40% price break. It worked well for them, and as far as I know she is still doing it. One of the guys has been replaces by a lady (my friend is very bi in real life), and I have no idea if the price structure has changed.

I doubt it's for everyone, and I don't know if it would work well if a lady advertized for it. I suspect it has to have the right kind of chemistry to work well.
I have done this several times. It is just a trust thing. One guy right now is used to seeing me Wed and Sat but I was feeling squirrelly this weekend and just needed alone time. He was totally cool about, even brought me lunch. But he is a big exception. Most clients would tend to get all pissy about it.

And I call bullshit yet fucking again on the SD being "in charge." I technically have three right now and the first time one of them tries to tell me who I can or cannot see, or what I should or should not be wearing or really anything other than "You look lovely, it is so nice to see you" will get kicked to the curb. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
First, I didn't mean to offend.

Second, you're here on eccie. That suggests that you know what you're doing: that you're a provider, not a SB. Most SBs are not eccie hoppers. As such, you appear to be one of the exceptions. You, like the OP, have some hybrid of a provider/client relationship and an SB/SD relationship, and as I said above, if you're a provider, you're going to want to keep control.

Third, the ability to kick the other member of the arrangement to the curb doesn't mean you have control. All parties always have the option to walk away whether you're in control or the passive one. What I mean by being in control is just the controlling party is the one that tends to get the make decisions on which activities are acceptable for what prices/requirements. A provider gets offended if you negotiate. A SB tends to go along with whatever the SD offers, assuming it is reasonable. As the matter of fact, a lot of SBs go through several dates (including BCD activities sometimes) without ever getting anything in return as kind of a trial run for the SD. Like a pizza delivery guy, many SBs have no idea how much they'll receive when they visit their SD. They just get a gift at the end of the night. What I don't mean by control is something over the top like just because the SD is in control that means he automatically gets the right to hang his SB and have sex with her corpse.

Lastly, plenty of SDs do flat out tell their SB that they expect their SB to only see them professionally. As the matter of fact, this is one of a Shyster Jon's requirements on his standard contact form for SBs, which is stickied in the SB/SD forums. A lot of people use this contact template, although they hopefully reword it a bit. Whether the SD actually expects the SB to hold up her end of the bargain by being exclusive to the SD is a different issue, but at the least the SD can expect that if the SB is seeing other clients, she'll go the extra mile to hide it from the SD, which increases the fantasy. Most providers loving tell horror stories about the creepy guy from earlier that day.

So, I maintain that in a true SB/SD relationship the SD is in control.
Cpalmson's Avatar
This sounds like a sugarbaby type of arrangement. The one thing I'm beginning to dislike in the hobby is the matter of the clock. Face it, how often do girls really have back to back appointments without "wiggle" room. I would tend to think that those that do are higher volume. I'd like to see dates be more open ended. Let's say a provider has only 1 client booked for a day. Let's say it is a 1 hour appointment. What's the harm if the fun time spilled over to 90 minutes or so? I'm not suggesting guys take advantage of a "no clock" arrangement, but it sure would be nice not to worry about a cloeck.
Most importantly, in SB/SD relationships, the SD is firmly in control

If the SD is not in control, he's doing it wrong. Originally Posted by sketchball82
I've had A LOT of SD's and this couldn't be further from the truth...Good luck to any man, (ESP an SD), that tries to be in control of me
Here's a suggestion... Treat the ladies with respect, and don't make it about who's in control. They have lives, and deserve to make their own choices. If someone can't respect that, I surely wouldn't want to spend time with them... Why would you expect them to tolerate it?
awl4knot's Avatar
It is a nice theory but issues arise when the schedule isn't followed and the guy thinks he's entitled to make up sessions and the provider says, oh no, you lost your play time for last month and it doesn't carry over. Working out the arrangements would tax the skills of a good contract attorney, and once you do that the romance is lost.

Or, perhaps more frequently, the provider takes the money and then becomes difficult to schedule.

At least this is what I have read and heard.
drsmooth1's Avatar
Back to the OP, I kinda like the provider SD/SB hybrid. It should eliminate the attachment that would derive from a SD/SB relationship and still fulfill the needs of the client and provider. He get's to see her for bcd activities only several times a month at a discounted rate and she gets guaranteed financial support.
Would it work? I doubt it, because it wouldn't take long before one or the other begins to feel cheated and tussle over who's in CONTROL. It wouldn't be for all providers nor all clients but I'm willing to bet some are doing it now and more will do it later.
It is a nice theory but issues arise when the schedule isn't followed and the guy thinks he's entitled to make up sessions and the provider says, oh no, you lost your play time for last month and it doesn't carry over. Working out the arrangements would tax the skills of a good contract attorney, and once you do that the romance is lost.

Or, perhaps more frequently, the provider takes the money and then becomes difficult to schedule.

At least this is what I have read and heard. Originally Posted by awl4knot
That sounds way too formal and business like, which would ruin the fun aspect... For me at least. I think it boils down to trust, not taking advantage of each other and respect. If you find someone that you really click with, it can be alot of fun, trouble-free, and alot of fun.
if the woman was great to spend time with first time round or a few times in id like to try a monthly thing if shes up for it but u would have to have a fair bit of money to do a monthly arrangement seeing them everyday but are u talking about having them with u the whole month or just a daily visit?