American Conservatives Have Their Own Version of Shariah Law

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting take on free speech.

From the article:

The trouble with protecting feelings is that advocates of free expression have them, too: Many of them are genuinely pained by the prospect of government silencing people by threat of force. Flag-burners and bigots also have feelings – rather strong ones, judging by their willingness to suffer the hostility of their fellow citizens. Likewise, gays and lesbians have feelings that are hurt when religious conservatives call them sinful, and religious conservatives have feelings that are hurt when gay-rights activists call them haters. If we go around silencing any speech that might hurt someone’s tender ego, then before you know it nobody will be able to say much of anything. Defending free speech requires defending it when the speech makes you mad, not just the other guy. That’s a lesson that seems to need repeating – over and over.

Wow. Respecting Freedom of Speech. What a concept.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I agreee and defend your right to say it no mattter what.
Except the "n" word you cant say the "N" word because that is not PC.
Oh and you cant say...well I am not sure what else you cannot say.
Can we continue with the list.

It seems that those "shariah" laws come from more than one direction.

Can you no longer call a queer a queer or do you have to call them gay.
I thought gay was happy.
A gay person use to be a happy person.If sucking dicks makes them happy...well ok