Do you believe in Sharia?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A confrontation is coming and it will be between the west and islam. Do you believe in Sharia law or do you want to live under Sharia. I am very interested in the answers of the ladies.

I ask because we have a president who refers to the pedophile prophet of Islam as the Holy Prophet. Funny I have never heard him say anything about Jesus. Even the Reverend Wright admitted that he is not sure that Obama really converted which would indicate that Obama was something else before he was a christian...if he truly converted. If we don't have a Muslim president like Madonna thinks then we have a hard core sympathizer.

So ladies do you want to be second or third class citizens? Do you want to be beaten for not covering your hair, walking alone, or speaking to a man who is not your husband. Do you want to be stoned to death for adultery? It is not a pretty thing.
A confrontation is coming and it will be between the west and islam. Do you believe in Sharia law or do you want to live under Sharia. I am very interested in the answers of the ladies.

I ask because we have a president who refers to the pedophile prophet of Islam as the Holy Prophet. Funny I have never heard him say anything about Jesus. Even the Reverend Wright admitted that he is not sure that Obama really converted which would indicate that Obama was something else before he was a christian...if he truly converted. If we don't have a Muslim president like Madonna thinks then we have a hard core sympathizer.

So ladies do you want to be second or third class citizens? Do you want to be beaten for not covering your hair, walking alone, or speaking to a man who is not your husband. Do you want to be stoned to death for adultery? It is not a pretty thing. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh my gawsh, the sky is really falling this time!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL! JDB, no wonder you can't even put it over on Kommunity Kollege freshman. You have no ear nor eye for sarcasm and irony (i.e. Madonna's remarks), much less intelligent reasoning (not Madonna's remarks).

Would you like some TEA with my asshole, asshole?
LOL! JDB, no wonder you can't even put it over on Kommunity Kollege freshman. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
CL teaches Scared Shitlessonomics at Chicken Little Kommunity Kollege!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sharia law rules by theocratic coercion and in the end trumps the law of man.

You would think the godless Democrats would be extremely agitated about this.
Sharia law rules by theocratic coercion and in the end trumps the law of man.

You would think the godless Democrats would be extremely agitated about this. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
As opposed to the Chicken Little faction of the Republicant Party?
There are currently approx 80 cases awaiting court time where Sharia law is the main stay of the defense. Take a close look at whats happening in England, Sharia law is practiced in over 70% of the country. This is gaining a stronger foothold around the World every day.. Im no expert on this stuff but it seems to be reality . You can say it aint so, but that wont stop it....
Another thing for the tea sippers to tremble about.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sharia law rules by theocratic coercion and in the end trumps the law of man.

You would think the godless Democrats would be extremely agitated about this. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Uh, God probably aspires to be more than a bumper sticker.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uh, God probably aspires to be more than a bumper sticker. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yeah, a billboard.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You see and hear how many Jews acted in the 1930s over in Germany. They did not, and could not believe that anyone would do what Hitler was calling for. Islam has declared war on the west and western culture. The last time Islam declared war on the world they conquered the Balkans, half of Spain, North Africa, Turkey, and knocked on the gates of Vienna before they were stopped.
There are currently approx 80 cases awaiting court time where Sharia law is the main stay of the defense. Take a close look at whats happening in England, Sharia law is practiced in over 70% of the country. This is gaining a stronger foothold around the World every day.. Im no expert on this stuff but it seems to be reality . You can say it aint so, but that wont stop it.... Originally Posted by steamyromance
Sorry, this is such a BS statement...especially the part that says over 70% of the country is under Sharia law. I travel to England at least twice a year, and have many friends there...just plain BS. Do they have a very strong Muslim population over there, yes. But your 70% figure is total bogus...thus based upon this stupid statement, I would say you are no expert on anything.....NEXT!!!!
Silly JDB, man with the avator of a true "American hero" who never got closer to a battlefield than Universal Studio B.

Nice to see no ladies bothered responding to this silly thread...just like his silly avatar, this guy still looks at the world in 1940 glasses...guess that is why is teaching
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2012, 01:20 PM
Silly JDB, man with the avator of a true "American hero" who never got closer to a battlefield than Universal Studio B.

Nice to see no ladies bothered responding to this silly thread...just like his silly avatar, this guy still looks at the world in 1940 glasses...guess that is why is teaching Originally Posted by vkmaster
JD has been asking women to respond to him for a long time, him being ignored 24/7 365 is the reason hes on this P4P board ..

heres $250 sweetie ... can ya hear me now?

I B Hankering's Avatar
JD has been asking women to respond to him for a long time, him being ignored 24/7 365 is the reason hes on this P4P board ..

heres $250 sweetie ... can ya hear me now?

Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, it's a shame that you are such a mental midget. Otherwise, you'd see the humorous irony of your post after you've posted 24/7 365 on a P4P board.