The National Anthem (turn-up your speakers) - accidentally posted it in national sandbox too!!

I never thought I would forward our National Anthem being sung by a "hard-rock" group.

This band sings a version that will knock your socks off ... a Navy vet sings the lead.

shooter1a's Avatar
Dennis, they do a good job but I had to go back and watch Jimi Hendrix doing The Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock in 69. It was a different time and civilians were spitting on us.
But the flag is still flying. Thanks for the link PJ.
.....anytime and thank you for the compliment
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-04-2012, 12:20 AM
I like it!

Of course, I had had the Star Spangled Banner on my iPod for a long time now. When I was doing my DJ thing there were quite a few gigs I did right after 9/11 and that CD got a lot of play time. Everyone loved it and I could never keep my eyes dry when I played it. Thank you for sharing that. Looks like I will be adding to my collection on my iPod.

rockonmrx's Avatar
kick ass man!
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
The only reason our National Anthem could be considered "embarressing" is because only a Bad-Ass can properly sing it.
Much like our country, its Awesomeness can be daunting. But when a truly talented vocalist (e.g. Mariah Carey) gets up there and does it right, it sends shivers down your spine with its beauty and splendor.

An EPIC anthem for an EPIC country!! Let Freedom Ring!