The wisdom of Rev Al

markroxny's Avatar
I freely admitted Romney won this first debate even tho he denied and avoided his own positions and details (see the who won the debate thread for my detailed remarks)


Rev Al Sharpton said some things on the post game wrap up that really resonate.

On Romney:

"He gave great testimony but he'd be indicted for purgury"

"A fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut."

His main point being although Romney "won" the debate, he has now committed himself on video to contradictions to his own former statements and positions of his party that will haunt and damage him in days to come.

Personally, I think he's right.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2012, 09:53 PM
I think it's an inherent part of the way the nomination process is slanted heavily towards the extremes in both parties. To get the nomination a candidate has to pander to the fringes, and then rebound back towards the center in the main election. A big advantage to any incumbent.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I freely admitted Romney won this first debate even tho he denied and avoided his own positions and details (see the who won the debate thread for my detailed remarks)


Rev Al Sharpton said some things on the post game wrap up that really resonate.

On Romney:

"He gave great testimony but he'd be indicted for purgury"

"A fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut."

His main point being although Romney "won" the debate, he has now committed himself on video to contradictions to his own former statements and positions of his party that will haunt and damage him in days to come.

Personally, I think he's right. Originally Posted by markroxny
Watched the Rev Al levitate and rant hysterically for about ten minutes. It was funny to see him so unhinged. BTW, the Rev Al also lied, as did Odumbo. CNN has already documented two of Odumbo's Pinocchios tonight.
joe bloe's Avatar
I freely admitted Romney won this first debate even tho he denied and avoided his own positions and details (see the who won the debate thread for my detailed remarks)


Rev Al Sharpton said some things on the post game wrap up that really resonate.

On Romney:

"He gave great testimony but he'd be indicted for purgury"

"A fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut."

His main point being although Romney "won" the debate, he has now committed himself on video to contradictions to his own former statements and positions of his party that will haunt and damage him in days to come.

Personally, I think he's right. Originally Posted by markroxny
The fact that you take Al Sharpton seriously speaks volumes. The man is a congenital idiot.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2012, 10:30 PM
Al Sharpton.... The man is a congenital idiot. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You are spot-on that one.
markroxny's Avatar
The fact that you take Al Sharpton seriously speaks volumes. The man is a congenital idiot. Originally Posted by joe bloe

The fact that you think that clip backs up your assertion speaks volumes.

I look forward to the clips of Mitt vs Mitt in the next few days. He won this debate at the cost of hanging himself.

As Rev Al said, "mark my words!"
joe bloe's Avatar
The fact that you think that clip backs up your assertion speaks volumes.

I look forward to the clips of Mitt vs Mitt in the next few days. He won this debate at the cost of hanging himself.

As Rev Al said, "mark my words!" Originally Posted by markroxny
Al Sharpton is a gutter rat. He should be in jail for his participation in the Tawana Brawley hoax. He also incited a race riot in Crown Heights that someone killed.
LexusLover's Avatar
Al Sharpton is a gutter rat. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Of all of the intellectually enlightened Black people in our society ......

... is he the best a network can drag down to a studio to shore up Obaminable?

I'm thinking the intellectually enlightened want no part of him any more.

At least they could get Rep. Sheila Jackson ... (she's more photogenic)

.. or is she still trying to figure out where the U.S. flag is planted on Mars from the first landing on the ... errrr .... Moon?
markroxny's Avatar
Gutter rat? Judge much? LOL

Ok, i understand most people will never forgive the good Rev for tying himself to racially charged issues in the 80's and 90's. I wasn't trying to make this a referrendum on Al Sharpton, I was talking about what he said.

Romney won the debate, but he did so at the cost of his own arm. He hung himself on statements that will haunt him in the days to come.

His across the board tax cuts will be done in a way that will not add to the deficit because it will be paid for by cutting loopholes???? Really??? Talk about fuzzy math. That's just not even possible, but he said it and he said it several times, now he's stuck with it.

This is what I was trying to talk about. Think what you will of Sharpton, but in this instance...he's right.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm loving today. It's not over yet but today feels just as good as when Pelosi was FIRED as leader of the house. Hi nipples!! Got your carrot right here...
markroxny's Avatar
What's that smell?

Oh it's you Stinky. Did you get on the scale this morning? Lost any weight yet? No? Keep trying. Enjoy your empty shell victory today and have some cake!
joe bloe's Avatar
Gutter rat? Judge much? LOL

Ok, i understand most people will never forgive the good Rev for tying himself to racially charged issues in the 80's and 90's. I wasn't trying to make this a referrendum on Al Sharpton, I was talking about what he said.

Romney won the debate, but he did so at the cost of his own arm. He hung himself on statements that will haunt him in the days to come.

His across the board tax cuts will be done in a way that will not add to the deficit because it will be paid for by cutting loopholes???? Really??? Talk about fuzzy math. That's just not even possible, but he said it and he said it several times, now he's stuck with it.

This is what I was trying to talk about. Think what you will of Sharpton, but in this instance...he's right. Originally Posted by markroxny
You really aren't very bright are you? Of course you can increase tax revenue with a cut in rates, while at the same time removing loopholes. It's simply a matter of the net effect. One reduces and the other increases. The net effect is the revenue; it's not rocket science.
rev al looks emaciated

he looked like a big head on a dwarfs body

is he sick?

the entire cast save the token idiot republican on msnbc...were of one mind.....romney is a liar and they repeated that over and over without specifics in between sputtering like donald duck

then they finally went to that kid with a lisp or something who is supposed to be the theorist intellectual or something for "indepth" analysis and in between watching his funny mouth movements and trying to make sense of his brilliance..well give me al back please!
markroxny's Avatar
You really aren't very bright are you? Of course you can increase tax revenue with a cut in rates, while at the same time removing loopholes. It's simply a matter of the net effect. One reduces and the other increases. The net effect is the revenue; it's not rocket science. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I didn't say you couldn't do it, i said you can't do it and not add to the deficit. Not the way he's proposing it.It's not possible. But you want to believe whatever Willard says, so believe it.

rev al looks emaciated

he looked like a big head on a dwarfs body

is he sick?
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
As for Rev Al, Yes, he has prostate cancer, he is battling that, that is why he doesn't look well.
joe bloe's Avatar
rev al looks emaciated

he looked like a big head on a dwarfs body

is he sick?

the entire cast save the token idiot republican on msnbc...were of one mind.....romney is a liar and they repeated that over and over without specifics in between sputtering like donald duck

then they finally went to that kid with a lisp or something who is supposed to be the theorist intellectual or something for "indepth" analysis and in between watching his funny mouth movements and trying to make sense of his brilliance..well give me al back please! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Reverend Al is to journalism what Obama is to the presidency. They both have jobs they couldn't have gotten without being black. Neither one is qualified for their job.