Gas Prices Have Never Been Higher

SEE3772's Avatar
What can the POTUS do to significantly lower the price of gasoline?
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar

Gas shortage shutters Costco stations, prices skyrocket
Originally Posted by SEE3772
Gas prices always rise when the American people "think" there is a shortage. Why don't we ride bikes instead? That's the best statement we could make.

Gas shortage shutters Costco stations, prices skyrocket
Originally Posted by SEE3772

any time a goat farts in the middle east fuel prices raise.This time heat, fires and a pipeline are the excuses to gouge the public.
We have a strike for everything in this country from teachers to football refs.... If there was a nationwide effort to not use our cars for anything except the absolutely essential trips for 1 month the glut of gasoline would force the prices to go lower, and quickly ...
Remember the agenda though by the current White House, green green green.... frikin Volt lookin better all the time...
SEE3772's Avatar
Dollar devaluation and market speculation are the two main reasons for high gas prices.
We have a strike for everything in this country from teachers to football refs.... If there was a nationwide effort to not use our cars for anything except the absolutely essential trips for 1 month the glut of gasoline would force the prices to go lower, and quickly ...
Remember the agenda though by the current White House, green green green.... frikin Volt lookin better all the time... Originally Posted by steamyromance
I've thought about that myself, Boycott the pump.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-06-2012, 12:04 PM
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't you just love this libs. They all want to decrease demand instead of increasing supply. Obama has decreased the supply and the demand by collapsing the economy. You see the result and you can go back and hear him talk about having to raise the price of energy under his policies. We even have an Energy Secretary that would like to see $8 a gallon gasoline.

If all the libs on this board want to send their cars to the crusher then so be it. Make sure that you don't go grocery shopping. The grocery stores won't need to have trucks bringing new eggs, meat, and vegetables. We'll save on gas then.
NiceGuy53's Avatar Originally Posted by CJ7
What is your purpose for posting this link, other than helping to make the OP's point? Just wondering whether you have a point here since you posted a link here with no comment?
contrived shortages,winter blend .Real reason Global market,and speculators....
SEE3772's Avatar
Don't you just love this libs. They all want to decrease demand instead of increasing supply. Obama has decreased the supply and the demand by collapsing the economy. You see the result and you can go back and hear him talk about having to raise the price of energy under his policies. We even have an Energy Secretary that would like to see $8 a gallon gasoline.

If all the libs on this board want to send their cars to the crusher then so be it. Make sure that you don't go grocery shopping. The grocery stores won't need to have trucks bringing new eggs, meat, and vegetables. We'll save on gas then. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Consumer Price Index does not add in food and energy.
It's the Producer Price Index that accounts for the food inflation/ speculation.
But since the world for now is on the Petrodollar... higher prices along with less demand will be the norm. All due to the Federal Reserve's fractional reserve banking policy, QE, Derivatives, market speculation and of course geo-political events.

One of my personal favorites...
waverunner234's Avatar
If it goes on like this, I might have to leave the Cessna in the hangar and get the Hummer ready for use again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-06-2012, 02:10 PM
What is your purpose for posting this link, other than helping to make the OP's point? Just wondering whether you have a point here since you posted a link here with no comment? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53


I CONSTANTLY have to explain things to you dont I ?

in 08 gas hit $5 and change ... see the sign? (even higher in some places than the graph showed )

SNL's post showed the lows hit during the recession BECAUSE demand decreased.

get the HIGH-LOW scenario or do you need further help?