Romney Vows To Arm Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria

SEE3772's Avatar
Mitt Romney will vow to arm Syrian rebels today during a major foreign policy speech, illustrating once again how there is virtually no difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to serving the interests of the military-industrial complex.

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Video - One on One Interview with President Obama, Why Is The U.S. Supporting Al Qaeda In Syria?

Sec. Clinton Pledges Additional $45 Million in Aid to Syrian Rebels

Video - Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created Al-Qaeda
Iaintliein's Avatar
Nor McCain, who also wants to arm them. All three are idiots.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Idiots three, for certain. It's not our problem.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Romney’s foreign policy speech at VMI made all of the network news channels tonight. No where in his speech did Romney pledge to arm al Qaeda. In fact, Romney was very vocal in his criticism of Odumbo’s weak foreign policy, and Romney chastised Odumbo for his failure to neutralize al Qaeda around the world noting that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was “likely the work of the same forces [al Qaeda]” that carried out the attacks on New York and the Pentagon in 2001.

“Infowars”!?! Really!?!,2605776.story
Nowhere in his speech did he say what his was, wish he would come out sometime with a idea..
We were allies of the Soviets and communists worldwide until 1945...duh...and then we SWITCHED sides and began killing communists everywhere and joined with the Facists in Spain, Italy and Germany which we fought in WWII.

International Politics is always about switching sides Dudes.

First we fought the Brits, then fought them again, then became allies forever.....go figure.

If you believe al-Quada really wants to destroy the US and so forth then you're an idiot who believes government propaganda. There's not a single person anywhere in the US government who really believes any of that shit.....hoorah!

al-Quada and the US will find common ground in many situations and will be allies in the future, and do you know why.........?????

SEE3772's Avatar
From the New York Times

Mr. Romney urged arming the rebels trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad of Syria so that they can “defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters and fighter jets” — a step that would go well beyond the president’s decision to provide only nonlethal aid.

But speaking at the Virginia Military Institute, Mr. Romney stopped short of saying that the United States itself should provide the arms to the rebels directly, or get involved on the ground. Nor did he explain how he would handle what in the White House is termed “the Afghanistan problem”: that arms provided to the rebels could, in the wrong hands, be used against Americans in the future.


For those who don't understand who the "Syrian Rebels" or the "Libyan Rebels" are
,,,maybe you should click on all the links... watch, listen and read.
Here, I'll help you out with just one of the links I posted above...
SEE3772's Avatar
“Infowars”!?! Really!?! [/SIZE],2605776.story[/QUOTE]

Yeah really. Articles with links from the source.
LexusLover's Avatar
Doing nothing is a policy and a strategy. The Syrian government is being assisted.

"We" are already helping the "rebels" ...

.... it is that the assistance to the government is direct military assistance.

If anyone doubts the Israeli resolve and ability ... check the news. Diligence.
LexusLover's Avatar
International Politics is always about switching sides .... Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
"Allies" of U.S. from the past:

Ho Chi Minh
Afghan "rebels" morphed into aka al Qaeda
I B Hankering's Avatar
From the New York Times

Mr. Romney urged arming the rebels trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad of Syria so that they can “defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters and fighter jets” — a step that would go well beyond the president’s decision to provide only nonlethal aid.

But speaking at the Virginia Military Institute, Mr. Romney stopped short of saying that the United States itself should provide the arms to the rebels directly, or get involved on the ground. Nor did he explain how he would handle what in the White House is termed “the Afghanistan problem”: that arms provided to the rebels could, in the wrong hands, be used against Americans in the future.


For those who don't understand who the "Syrian Rebels" or the "Libyan Rebels" are
,,,maybe you should click on all the links... watch, listen and read.
Here, I'll help you out with just one of the links I posted above... Originally Posted by SEE3772
You just put a hole below your own waterline.

Yes, Really !?! "Infowars" proffers nothing but paranoid, unsupported -- unsupportable -- accusations and conjectures.
SEE3772's Avatar
You just put a hole below your own waterline.

Yes, Really !?! "Infowars" proffers nothing but paranoid, unsupported -- unsupportable -- accusations and conjectures.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
OP's THREAD TITLE: Romney Vows To Arm Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria Originally Posted by SEE3772
Still waiting for you to provide a direct quote from Romney where he "vows to arm al-Qaeda terrorist in Syria" as your title for this thread claims.
SEE3772's Avatar
Still waiting for you to provide a direct quote from Romney where he "vows to arm al-Qaeda terrorist in Syria" as your title for this thread claims.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Quit being lazy, go READ, WATCH AND LISTEN... my entire thread.
The Syrian Rebels are Al Qaeda. Just like in Libya..
30 years since the U.S. created and funded Al Qaeda and the sheep still don't fucking get it even when they through it in your face! Used them to fight the Russians, Clinton used them in Bosnia and Somalia, USS Cole, 911, Libya, Syria ETC... Don't you get it?
And now the government is saying Iran is aiding Al Qaeda? Iran hates Wahhabism...
Al Qaeda. I see how the bankers are able to loot America with ease.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Quit being lazy, go READ, WATCH AND LISTEN... my entire thread.
The Syrian Rebels are Al Qaeda. Just like in Libya..
Don't you get it? Originally Posted by SEE3772
You're wrong or being disingenuous. And you've still not provided a direct quote from Romney where he vows he will arm al-Queda. For historical precedent, FDR provided arms to the Chinese rebelling against Japanese occupation without supporting the Communist's cause.