The Ultimate Romney Flip/Flop Video

Romney supported this video before he was against it!

You can't make this shit up!
Getting desperate aren't ya BT; reaching back to 1994 !

Getting desperate aren't ya BT; reaching back to 1994 !

LOL............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I am not so desperate that I would run from a $5 Benji wager on who wins the 2012 electoral college vote.

Are you?
Getting desperate aren't ya BT; reaching back to 1994 !

LOL............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Before the debate he was so arrogant, now, he STFU.....go figure...

$500?.....LOL!........We in high school again!?....... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

BTW: what's the over/under now bigmex? LOL!
You're right ya can't make this shit up.
ACP, great vid. Thanks for falls on the deaf ears of the liberals...

Obama is the biggest flip-flopper/liar to occupy the White House.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seems there is a lot flip flopping going around. Why vote for either one?

And we know Obama is a liar. He kept almost none of his campaign promises, and now he's promising again. Re-electing him just means we're stupid.
Re-electing him just means we're stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It appears that " Stupid"OldFart has finally figured out a way to hop onboard the Obama bandwagon.

damn bigtex ... typical liberal ... read what you want into things. CuteOldGuy did not say he is jumping on the NOBama bandwagon. You are typical of liberals who only see what they want to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+2 Very funny, and frightening at the same time.
budman33's Avatar
Cute cartoon but go through that debate and tell me Mitt didnt lie his ass off.

For me its simple. all politicians are crooks and liars but Obama got pre-existing conditions right. Mitt Lied to me on Nationwide TV saying that people with pre-existing conditions are covered...

what he didnt say was that by HIS plan, which by the way has been in law for ... many years. is that if people don't have a lapse in coverage or will pay their own premiums ala Cobra then they can be covered with pre-existing conditions.

I am sorry, I am but a simple man with kids and a sick wife. Preexisting conditions is the death panel no one wants to talk about. So ..umm Fuck Mitt, my vote goes to the other guy...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Cute cartoon but go through that debate and tell me Mitt didnt lie his ass off.

For me its simple. all politicians are crooks and liars but Obama got pre-existing conditions right. Mitt Lied to me on Nationwide TV saying that people with pre-existing conditions are covered...

what he didnt say was that by HIS plan, which by the way has been in law for ... many years. is that if people don't have a lapse in coverage or will pay their own premiums ala Cobra then they can be covered with pre-existing conditions.

I am sorry, I am but a simple man with kids and a sick wife. Preexisting conditions is the death panel no one wants to talk about. So ..umm Fuck Mitt, my vote goes to the other guy... Originally Posted by budman33
markroxny's Avatar
Romney's best debate performance ever right here: