Snoop Dog is richer than all of you...and he's voting for Obama. LOL

markroxny's Avatar
You know, when i first came to these parts, plenty of the tea pots here made a pretty strong implication that if you were rich, then you were smarter than people that were not rich. Well if that's true, then snoop dog is smarter than all of you motherfuckers. LOL

Here is his pro and con list for Romney/Obama
joe bloe's Avatar
No moron. Being rich isn't NECESSARILY proof of intelligence. It depends on how you aquired the money. Building a successful company, like for instance Bain Capital, does prove a certain level of intelligence. A stupid person could not have built Bain Capital.

Making money in show business doesn't prove intelligence, particularly hip hop performers, who seem to be mostly thugs, and drug addicts like Snoop Dogg. I understand Snoop Dogg now prefers to be called Snoop Lion.
markroxny's Avatar
You sure you wanna use Bain Capital as your example?

get it straight, snoop dog aint dog no mo', he be snoop lion yo
joe bloe's Avatar
You sure you wanna use Bain Capital as your example?

LMAO Originally Posted by markroxny
markroxny's Avatar
Vulture Capitalism isn't smart, it's greedy.

What about Jay Z? You gonna say he's dumb too? He has been the president of a label, owned his own label, owns his own restaurant here in new york, buying the nets, his own artists, etc etc.

and Jay Z is WAAAY richer than you Joe.

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 10-09-2012, 09:25 AM
I did not let my kids watch big bird or sponge bob.
joe bloe's Avatar
get it straight, snoop dog aint dog no more, he be snoop lion yo Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The death of western civilization told in music: from Beethoven to Snoop Dog.

I wonder what music will consist of after hip hop and rap have run their course. Maybe we'll just listen to farting and grunting noises and call it music. The best farters will be rewarded with vast wealth and celebrated in pop culture. We'll probably even care about their presidential preferences.
Oh lets just get real. Look at the number one reason on his list. He's not voting for Romney cause he doesn't want to be called " Uncle Snoop Tom"
trynagetlaid's Avatar
You sure you wanna use Bain Capital as your example?

LMAO Originally Posted by markroxny
Of course...Bain Capital is a shining example of what Romney stands for:
joe bloe's Avatar
Vulture Capitalism isn't smart, it's greedy.

What about Jay Z? You gonna say he's dumb too? He has been the president of a label, owned his own label, owns his own restaurant here in new york, buying the nets, his own artists, etc etc.

and Jay Z is WAAAY richer than you Joe.

Originally Posted by markroxny
I give up. Believe whatever you want. You're hopeless.
markroxny's Avatar
I give up. Believe whatever you want. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I accept your surrender.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Marks-rocks-with-pee has again put his adolescent intellect on display. Marks-rocks-with-pee's Kool Aid sucking ass just admitted that he personally is incapable of thinking for himself; hence, he is no better than a lemming as he blindly follows his favorite Hollywood posers.
I never really paid any attention to Beyonce before....she has a lot of Caucasian features....a little bit heavy, but pretty girl....
markroxny's Avatar
I never really paid any attention to Beyonce before....she has a lot of Caucasian features....a little bit heavy, but pretty girl.... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Like black women don't you Marshall? To bad you could never get one without paying.