Obama Recalls 'Tragic Burdens' of Tribal Groups on Columbus Day

Culture October 08, 2012

Obama Recalls 'Tragic Burdens' of Tribal Groups on Columbus Day

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By Todd Starnes, Fox News & Commentary
President Obama marked Columbus Day by issuing a proclamation that reflects “on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” in the years that followed the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.
“When the explorers laid anchor in the Bahamas, they met indigenous peoples who had inhabited the Western hemisphere for millennia,” Obama wrote. “As we reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore in the years that followed, let us commemorate the many contributions they have made to the American experience, and let us continue to strengthen the ties that bind us today.”

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/christophe...#ixzz28pNKRkSd
LexusLover's Avatar
That will go over well with the Europeans ... where are the European loving posters on here?

Portugal and Spain?

Boy, are those guys taking a beating this year in our election campaign.

Our Allies?????

Does anyone really believe he will excel in the foreign policy debate?

Speaking of foreign policy and debates: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2...-shooting?lite
"Peace-prize winning Pakistani girl on Taliban hit list fights for life after shooting"

LexusLover's Avatar

Obama Recalls 'Tragic Burdens' of Tribal Groups on Columbus Day
“As we reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore in the years that followed, let us commemorate the many contributions they have made to the American experience, and let us continue to strengthen the ties that bind us today.”
Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Hope he doesn't think the folks who greeted Columbus were "slaves" when he arrived.
Native Americans don't celebrate Columbus day how do you (discover) a inhabited country?
The Native Americans weren't native; they migrated to the New World just like everyone else. Canada is more correct in labeling them "First Peoples." And even that label is false. The "First People" that occupy North America today have very little in common with early man who began migrating across continents 90,000 years ago...

LexusLover's Avatar
Native Americans don't celebrate Columbus day how do you (discover) a inhabited country? Originally Posted by ekim008
Why should they, according to Obaminable? The Spaniards just abused them, according to Obaminable. Victimized them? May be?

"by issuing a proclamation that reflects “on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore” in the years that followed the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus."

Hopefully, he will send the reparations requests to Spain and Portugal.

"Sen. Barack Obama told a meeting in Chicago the U.S. should review how it can make amends for “offenses” committed during its history." 07/30/2008

Hillary can handle the envelope stuffing. Bill can lick the stamps.

Victim's Rights Letters. The Spanish-Portugese Reparations Fund.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Great bumper sticker: "Was Columbus a Terrorist or an Illegal Alien?"