Number of Reviews

  • mmrtx
  • 06-09-2010, 08:45 PM
Is the same user allowed to post 2 reviews for a provider in less than a month? Wouldn't that be more like an ad than a review?
Is the same user allowed to post 2 reviews for a provider in less than a month? Wouldn't that be more like an ad than a review? Originally Posted by mmrtx
It sounds like he got laid twice in a month.
Beagle's Avatar
Nothing wrong with that. There will not be PA credit for the second review, though. Maybe the user just wants to keep a log of his experience for memory's sake :P
Whispers's Avatar
Nothing says no but it might serve the same purpose to bump his first review and add on the 2nd experience with what was new or better/worse than the first....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I've had that happen to me before. I think the guy was just REALLY pleased and wanted to share. I didn't ask him to, was surprised that he did it and I don't think he got credit for both. The only other time that happened to me, the two sessions were very different. One was a solo and a first time appointment for that guy with me so he wrote it up. Shortly after that, we had a double and the session was so different, and since it involved a totally different girl, the guy thought it warranted a second review.

I say let 'em but don't give 'em any review cred. I doubt that kind of review would work as an ad anyhow. Will probably backfire because the guy will get labeled a WK or the reviews might even get quacked.
Beagle's Avatar
The only other time that happened to me, the two sessions were very different. One was a solo and a first time appointment for that guy with me so he wrote it up. Shortly after that, we had a double and the session was so different, and since it involved a totally different girl, the guy thought it warranted a second review. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I think reviews on a solo and doubles should be considered as 2 separate reviews. Providers good at solos may not necessarily be good at doubles, and vice versa. Other readers would want to know.

One of the purpose of ads is to raise other's awareness of something. Reviews are a form of advertisement, though not in a conventional way we normally conceive of. Definitely not a bad thing, though. I'd like to think that the guys post reviews because they want to inform everyone else about their experience with the providers, so that others can make informed decisions - even if a provider is already well reviewed. That way, the information is always current.

Of course, there are reviews that give the impression that some active marketing ploy is involved. If someone feels compelled enough to speak up, they can always add comments to the review thread and discuss about it.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 06-10-2010, 09:22 AM
I reviewed Genesis Nicole a couple of times three months apart, no one seemed to mind.

I was seeing her twice a week for a while; had I reviewed her that frequently I'm pretty sure it would've vexed people.
levibob56's Avatar
I reviewed WickeHeather in a solo session then again as a Double with Victoria Landers.
I got credit for both. I would not try again anytime soon. unless I did a solo with Victoria. Dam that's a good idea, were is the phone .
  • mmrtx
  • 06-10-2010, 06:11 PM
The reason I brought this up is there seems to be a provider on this board that is posting fake reviews of herself... and I believe she has posted 2 reviews of herself using the same account.

harkontume's Avatar
Since I prefer to see fewer providers then most hardlegs , I could write multi reviews ,, but the question is again begging for an answer .. Why? I mean no one cares that I got laid , they are just checking out the review. And it would be silly and somewhat co dependent ( imho).
I don't have any problem reading multiple review of the same girl from the same guy as long as they are spread out 30 days or more. Most guys just read the 1st couple pages, unless they are searching for a particular gal.

There's an easy solution. If you don't like it? Just don't read it!

Happy Hobbying
derek303's Avatar
I started to post one on the erotic Review and one on eecie about the same provider. But didn't. I'll probably do that if I see the same provider twice within 3-4 months. I'm new right now and haven't done a return visit with anyone yet. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Even though a couple of these girls will be hard to beat. I'll return. I've got more milage out of eecie than TER locally. I traveled recently to Chicago and eecie is week there. I posted though.
We had one guy that wrote 5 reviews of the same provider in under 4 weeks. The owners instructed us to send the guy a PM to either marry the girl or move in with her but to not post another review of her for a few months. All the reviews were left standing.

As a rule of thumb unless there's been a significant change that would affect another members experience with her (ie. prego, weight gain or loss, loss of a limb, sex change, menu change, ect.) there's no need to write a review of the same provider more than once.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I started to post one on the erotic Review and one on eecie about the same provider. But didn't. I'll probably do that if I see the same provider twice within 3-4 months. I'm new right now and haven't done a return visit with anyone yet. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Even though a couple of these girls will be hard to beat. I'll return. I've got more milage out of eecie than TER locally. I traveled recently to Chicago and eecie is week there. I posted though. Originally Posted by derek303
Why not post it on both boards? They are different boards with different readers. That's not over-posting. That's just letting a different set of guys know what happened.
Beagle's Avatar
Why not post it on both boards? They are different boards with different readers. That's not over-posting. That's just letting a different set of guys know what happened. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I think we'd need to edit the review slightly if posting on another board. Technically, we hand over ownership of a written piece once we submit it. A mod would probably be able to clarify on this. Unless you're referring to posting repeated sessions with a provider on a different board - that would be a good idea.