Laney1 is the best I've ever seen. Really!

Jay Walker's Avatar
When I say seen, I mean seen advertising her, well you know, uh, services. I've never had the good fortune to have actually "seen her".

Laney1 is awesome. I think most of us follow every post she makes, and if you haven't been following, you're missing out. Laney1 offers us a case study in marketing that could be taught in our most prominent institutions of higher learning. Know your target audience, and how to appeal to them. I'd guess that most mongers around here are fairly well educated and looking for interaction with hot chicks. Laney1 is the total package. I'm sure that I've seen some of the pictures that she uses for almost a decade, but it probably doesn't matter that she uses 10 year old photos to advertise her services because I'm guessing that she's still quite attractive. Her online personality is great. She's witty. Intellectually, she can, and quite often does, challenge any one of us. Whore mongers just beg for her attention with complements and accolades. Just read through this string:

It's amazing right? We (yeah, I'm including myself), are in love with her. We want to take her out, take her to an event, or take her to the alter. Of course she can be bought, and I'd guess that the more well healed amongst us are buying her. But most of us would prefer to avoid the fee and charm her into some form of companionship. Her fees, by the way, are stupid expensive, but absolutely justifiable.

This lady has used her sexuality as currency for a very long time, and she's clearly perfected the craft. It's interesting to me that with all of her inellegence and persuasive skills, that she wouldn't be doing something other than selling herself in the sex trade. It seems that she could do anything she'd like to do.

I love you Laney1, and if only you loved me too, you'd never have to do anther stripper slide again. Just kidding! We would need your income baby. Seriously though, I do love her for the mental stimulation that she provides.

So, fearless white knights, pile on, berate me, and win her favor. I'm most afraid though, of her response. Intellectually, she will destroy me if she so chooses.
Sounds like you're already destroyed ! Well , at least your mind !
Don't know if you'll win the Most Bizarre thread contest but you definitely get votes for most passive aggressive.
Little Monster's Avatar
Never mind, too many Bud Selects
Except for the extreme sarcasm ?

Well shit now my comment doesn't fit LM !
Damn I have to remember to quote .
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 11-04-2012, 10:38 PM
While I've been irked by her posts, I met her at a recent party and if her pics are 10 years old then she's kept the same figure for 10 years. She is also as bright and flighty as her (frequent) posts suggest.

Sure, she has ulterior motives for her flirtation but so does any woman who posts that frequently here. There are definitely more egregious offenders.

(and no, I'm not WKing - neither one of us are on each other's lists any time soon.)
boobs mcgee's Avatar

I'm not sure what you wrote...but I still have ALL the emails between us, even the one where I declined you for future sessions because of what you did. And YOU know what you did. I will not make any other comments over this. I would take anything he says with a grain of salt. No one likes to be turned down...just like I have never liked to be threatened. I don't create drama...not classy. So there will be nothing more that I will say about you or what transpired during our one and only session.
teyeger72's Avatar
Suddenly this thread sounds like a lame-ass attempt at an "apology" or something.

Gonna sit back and grab me some popcorn and enjoy this show...anybody got any butter?
I wish I had a thicker skin, because if I did...I'd make a witty comment, suck it up...and move on. But it seems that "Leslie Lane" seems to really rub some of you gentlemen the wrong way. *Remember the Bashing Leslie Lane thread? I took quite a beating. But I was a little stronger back then.

Your post... Jay funny, witty, passive aggressive, insulting, cute. You're sitting behind your computer, on a Monday morning. Bored and logged onto Eccie wondering what kind of thread you can come up with that will garner attention and create drama. At my expense though.

You've struck a nerve. I'm only human. Do you really want to know the answers to your questions? Ask me.

Better yet...I'll let you read about it. Go to: It's a blog I created that reveals the reason why after being retired for many years...I ventured back into the hobby. Why I SELL myself. I'll leave it up for two days, long enough for you to get your kicks. Get the attention you're obviously so intent on getting at my expense. Oh, and of course bringing me down a couple of notches. The blog starts with me venturing back into the hobby about a year ago after my child and I were left destitute...and ends with my failed suicide attempt about four months ago. I was in a coma for about a week and racked up about $70,000.00 worth of medical bills. I'm still here though. Trying to make the best out of life, hence my easy breezy attitude and goofy disposition.

There are pics of me in the hospital on my blog, I'm sure you'll find those cute. I look just as thin as I did ten years ago. Just not as cute with all the tubes down my throat.

Please know that my time on Eccie has run it's course. My skin is not as thick as it once was. I will now only take appointments and messages through P411 or through my e-mail account. If a moderator can please deactivate my account, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

P411: P102480 **The pic in the black bikini is 2012.

**And please..NO WHITE KNIGHTS needed. This can be "Bashing Leslie Lane Part 2" Please forgive me if I decline to take part in it.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-05-2012, 11:00 AM
Dear God.. What happened here??

I've been out of state, and not here much.

So, y'all are chasing off another hot, intelligent, fun provider again?

Nice going boys..
Mr Blonde's Avatar
At least the old bubbajay LL posts went so depressing.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Oh vey...
Why did you come back and edit your post ? Thought you were done responding ?
Jay Walker's Avatar
I'm most afraid though, of her response. Intellectually, she will destroy me if she so chooses. Originally Posted by Jay Walker
The term "self fulfilling prophecy" comes immediately to mind.

Wow Mrs Lane! I knew that you were good, but you are so much better than I had even imagined. I was expecting to be somewhat humiliated by your feisty witt and intellect. I was prepared for that, but I wasn't prepared to vilified like this. A beautiful woman sharing her most personal hardships to expose an ass for being an ass is powerful beyond comprehension.

I went back and re-read my original post. I was being the usual ass that I am to express my thoughts and feelings. Though written somewhat tongue in cheek, I was actually pretty complimentary to you. I honestly feel that you are amazing in your intellect and ability to be persuasive. The digs at your chosen profession? Perhaps my admiration (perhaps obsession) for you makes me bitter that about what you do and the fact that others can enjoy your company while I can't. The kids are in college now and I'd feel as if I were taking from them if I were to spend such a princely, but, "justified" sum to meet a woman; regardless of how enamored I might be with her.

Check Mate! Very well played Mrs Lane. I'll stand my opinions about you though. You are truly amazing.