There are those who will decide that the unworthy Mr.Chan puts in two cents when small change was not requested. There will likewise be those who conclude that he is a WhiteKnight. So be it, let the chips fall where they may.
There have been reviews written and comments often made that his lady or that was a clock watcher. This means she takes notice of the hour and either encourages a gentleman to finish his business or contract for more time. It is after all her business. There are also ladies who because of attraction or to encourage patronage spend more than the paid for time with a client. There is certainly no harm in that. There are also ladies who allow a client extra time because they are concerned that if she calls his attention to the time she will be branded a clock watcher. This is extortion of a gentler sort but extortion nonetheless.
I believe it is unfair to take advantage of a person. I believe that if you pay for an hour you should stay an hour or remit the fee appropriate. If a lady stops you and begs for yet a few more minutes of your company you should make it clear that you will be happy to do so if she is willing to do so off the clock unless you choose to reward her flattering offer by extending your donation.. It should not be the mark of a quality provider that she be willing to be robbed at every session to guest a deadbeat.
I also believe that if a gentleman receives additional time, or a menu item not offered to the rank and file courtesy should dictate discretion in gratitude for her generosity. It should not be broadcast to the general public so that she is expected to show the same largesse to all that she lavished on a favored friend.
We engage in an illegal trade. But as often said there is honor among thieves, why not courtesy among hobbyists?