Clock Watcher or Put Upon Lady.

There are those who will decide that the unworthy Mr.Chan puts in two cents when small change was not requested. There will likewise be those who conclude that he is a WhiteKnight. So be it, let the chips fall where they may.
There have been reviews written and comments often made that his lady or that was a clock watcher. This means she takes notice of the hour and either encourages a gentleman to finish his business or contract for more time. It is after all her business. There are also ladies who because of attraction or to encourage patronage spend more than the paid for time with a client. There is certainly no harm in that. There are also ladies who allow a client extra time because they are concerned that if she calls his attention to the time she will be branded a clock watcher. This is extortion of a gentler sort but extortion nonetheless.
I believe it is unfair to take advantage of a person. I believe that if you pay for an hour you should stay an hour or remit the fee appropriate. If a lady stops you and begs for yet a few more minutes of your company you should make it clear that you will be happy to do so if she is willing to do so off the clock unless you choose to reward her flattering offer by extending your donation.. It should not be the mark of a quality provider that she be willing to be robbed at every session to guest a deadbeat.
I also believe that if a gentleman receives additional time, or a menu item not offered to the rank and file courtesy should dictate discretion in gratitude for her generosity. It should not be broadcast to the general public so that she is expected to show the same largesse to all that she lavished on a favored friend.
We engage in an illegal trade. But as often said there is honor among thieves, why not courtesy among hobbyists?
I totally agree, Mr. Chan.
What an eloquently stated per your usual, Mr.Chan.

I do believe you missed your calling.
A great man traveling in a distant land dined in a fine restaurant. Laid before him, as befitted his status as the wisest mean in the world, were the finest offerings the keeper of the house could offer. After eating his fill of lark's tongues, baby camel and the freshest fruits hurried to his table in perfect condition, he excused himself to the kitchen and helped himself to the food prepared for the next day as well as a soda the busboy was saving for his lunch. The owner of the inn escorted him to the door and bade him never to darken his door again. Angry and confused, the great man sputtered," I am the wisest of the wise, there are no mysteries I do not understand, no riddle I cannot solve. Why this outrage?"
The owner replied in a tone both stern and insistent, " Oh, Great One, sage and seer, mind of countless intricacies to whom every truth is known. Surely it is because despite all your many virtues, you have become unprophetable."
MrHappy4u's Avatar
One of the business practices of a top tier provider is the ability to call attention to the time in a subtle manner, whether it be getting up from the bed to the bathroom, retrieve clothes, etc. Others use a programmed playlist that may go just a hair longer that an hour. This is obviously opposed to standing up looking at the clock and beginning to dress or a bang on the wall from a known home of the 45 minute hour.

Providers and Hobbyist alike, have to remember this is a business and has to be treated as such, albeit with grace and diplomacy.
I couldn’t agree more!
Everyone has got to remember that this is business and treat it as such. I fully expect to be compensated for my time and efforts in my employment, as does everyone else that I know, and these ladies deserve nothing less for their time and effort that we all have the privilege of enjoying.
I know that it’s beating a dead horse but we have all got to remember that these ladies have lives outside the hobby and they have to schedule to provide time for their family, friends and personal events the same as we do. If a hobbyist expects a 2 or 3 hour session simply schedule accordingly. You will most likely find the provider very pleased with the proposition and more than happy to accommodate you.
And Mr.Chan, I feel very confident that you have not disgraced yourself in any way, form or fashion and hands down your safe on being branded a WK for calling this to everyone’s attention. Personally my hat’s off to you sir.
In sessions, I am the clock watcher.

To me, a woman who is "not a clock watcher" is a woman who does not rush through to end quickly or early, and who does not talk about the clock.

I have known many "non-clock watchers" who were yet very aware of the time. They appreciate the respect I show, in that when my time is up I do not require notification. I readily prep to leave, staying longer only when invited to do so by my companion of the hour(s).

To expect a woman to "go over" without her desire or consent, is, IMHO, a conceit.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Thank you Mr. Chan, for insight. This really helps to see this from a hobbyist perspective. We really appreciate you taking your precious time to write this. The advice or insight from other hobbyist is also greatly appreciated.
tuckahoe's Avatar
When I am dating, I become enchanted with the lady, and have no concept of time. After an agency girl suddenly said "times up" and began dressing, I was shocked. I would have liked a little warning so I could have sped things up a bit. I got a digital clock with large numbers and put it on the nightstand of the motel room. I could peek at it once in a while to see how much time was left. At least I knew if the girl didn't cut my time short, as some did.
Now that I only date top tier independents, I don't ever remember seeing a clock visible. I have to depend on the lady to let me gently know the end is approaching. I become so engrossed and fascinated with a kind, loving, beautiful lady that I lose track of time and most everything else. When I spend time with a woman, I am trusting myself to her care. She is all that matters to me. Sharing intimacy with a woman is something I can't describe. All I know is I am incapable of just have sex without meaning. It is only rarely I get to have relations with a woman, and it is something that is tremendously meaningful to me. I try to be respectful of the lady's time, but always wish I never had to leave. All the top tier ladies have been very accommodating and affectionate towards me. Some have given me a lot of extra time, and even though I might not have been able to date again yet, your kindness is remembered and appreciated. All you ladies I have reviewed positively are wonderful and I love to remember the times we enjoyed together. I agonize that some of you might think I don't want to date you again. Oh, if only you could see inside my mind!
Anyway, I am dependent on the lady to help me know the end is nearing so all the wonderful feelings can come to a grand climax. Hopefully, there will be a few minutes left to just be still and cuddle together.
As usual, MrChan writes his words of wisdom in a most interesting manner.
I'm fine with "times up" hints. I've also heard the cell phone buzzer go off a couple of times too. I politely grabbed my belongings and left and posted positive remarks about the ladies. I like the hints better.

If I'm hosting the date, I will not manage her time. In this instance, it is the ladies choice IMHO when she chooses to leave or stay.

With all this said, I know what a clockwatcher is perceived to be and have stated that a couple of times to provide an accurate account of my experience. Is it a bad thing? Not to me, but it's like anything else, you will have to make up your own mind.