Bumping into Provider in Public?

frankocean187's Avatar
Maybe this question has been covered or considered a bit stupid, so sorry in advance.

I go to a gym that is commonly used by the dancers/providers from the stripclubs around that area. Sure it is great to see sexy ladies working out but the problem is I know alot of people that work at the gym, including family members that go there too.

My question is what to do if you bump into a provider that you know in public, such as at the gym/mall/resturant?

I wouldn't want to impose on their privacy by saying hi because it would send red flags up if someone saw me talking to them. I too also wouldn't want to be a jerk to them.
Hi Frank,

I think this is a great question! Although I have not been a provider for long, I have had the unfortunate experience of having been recognized off of BackPage of all places

This guy in particular was extremely drunk and almost got a fist full O trouble from the guy i was with...He was rude, loud and didn't take a hint well. On the other hand, this idiot to say the least was the exception, not the rule! Where one of my reg's is concerned I wouldn't mind one bit if they came up and said "hello" like an old friend. Alot of my closest friends I've met in Dallas have been the hobbyists I've been lucky to meet so far!

So to answer your question, as long as your civil and don't make crude references,I don't see a problem, also for those ladies with kids or husbands, I don't want to speak for them directly but i would think a kind smile from a distance would suffice.
Just give a smile say hi and move on.
Don't say shit & keep walking.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I am sure they get it if you dont say anything to them.
They are not stupid people.
I am sure they dont want to be bothered either.

Whats the harm in saying hi if you are looking at each other.

You may get a guy that points and says "Hey, I know her, thats a hooker!"
Look at him and say "So what"
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-07-2012, 08:05 AM
I have on more than one occasion publicly saw a Provider I have spent time with, What I have done and will continue to do is simple.

If our eyes meet, I smile Nod my head and keep going about my Biz. Have had the providers respond likewise, and have herd from them that they appreciated my gesture.
bistraight69's Avatar
Since we hobby as a couple my wife always gets a hug (cops a feel) and a kiss. I guess it's a girl thing.
Don't say shit & keep walking. Originally Posted by ArisRose
Had this happen back in Texas as well as KC, and I agree, smile and thats it, unless they approach me and say hi
frankocean187's Avatar
Great responses people thanks!
  • thx
  • 12-07-2012, 04:17 PM
Great responses. Just be polite and respectfull as you do with any woman.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-07-2012, 05:28 PM
Great responses. Just be polite and respectfull as you do with any woman. Originally Posted by thx
Agree completely. If you want, write her later and say it was nice to see her at XXXXX. If she is in a situation where she is OK with a friendly "Hi!" in public she will let reply and let you know. You then need to assess whether it fits in with your life situation.

If you don't know her real name, real occupation if she has one, etc., you aren't really in a position to approach her.
I know I would not say anything to anybody in this business i saw in public because we have are private lifes and I respect that and I wouldnt want to throw up any red flags....I know for myself I enjoy what I do but there are people in my personal life that does not know what I do and I would like it to stay that way.....Im sure that goes for the gentlemen also ust because they like to play does not mean they want everyone to know.......
sexuser's Avatar
I addressed this topic once with a provider, and we both felt (for us) that neither of us would say anything to the other. I agree that a discreet glance and nod may be appropriate if you leave it at that, but any more than that can be awkward for either party. The provider told me that this happened to her once while she was out dining with her mother (who knows what she does).

She continued by saying that this guy was out with who appeared to be his wife, and he kept staring at her, which made her rather uncomfortable. Her mother even asked if the guy was one if "them." And she told her "yes." I know it would freak me out if I ever ran into her or any other provider I have seen while out with my wife.

I may be more apt to say something if I was alone and the provider appeared to be alone as well. But if I did so, and they acted like I was a complete stranger, then I would know that it probably wasn't such a good idea, and just walk away.

Anyway, that's my $0.02 worth.
txswing99's Avatar
My approach on this is really simple;

if both of us are obviously not with someone else in public, provide a quick non-verbal acknowledgement (i.e. a smile or wink), but never approach her. If she want's to talk, she'll approach me.

If one of us is with someone; no acknowledgement and ignore each other.

I've met a couple of my ATFs in public before and we discussed this afterwards. The rules are the results of those conversations....and seem to work well for all parties.

I would say hello, how are you? just as you would walking down the street or passing isle in walmart.