This could be showing my age and how long I have been in the life style but here goes.....(btw I am not that old) LOL
Back in the day to connect with the girl of your dreams you would usually give her a call. Then came along the new tool of fake email addressees and you know we all have them.. So you would email she then would email back give me a call and let's set something up. You of course would call sometimes from a work phone praying know one would hear you, or from your cell phone hoping she would answer right then and if she didn't hope she would not call back..
Well we are in a new age now.. We have hobbyist phones now... Safe and sound from the significant other. We also have TEXT MESSAGING... This sucks.......!!!!!!!!!! You as hobbist can text girls now.. "Hey are you busy" "Can I see you" "Do you have any time" . We don't know who you are we can't hear your voice. Some of us girls still go off that " good feeling" we feel when we talk to you. Also texting someone does not set in stone you have an appointment. Again talking and confirming means it is set in stone.

I have a life in a way outside of this so if someone just sends a text hey are you an escort I will usually text back "who the f are you and NO "

Also I think you should do all three to set in stone this is a confirmed appointment. Email then call maybe text "are we still on" or something like that.
How many times have you taken someone"s text messaging wrong ? This happens all the time not just in the hobby.. So if you text me I might take it different then what you are meaning and vice versa..
So I guess what this post is about is text messaging, Are you for it or against it???? Tell me some ways it works for you?

btw I am drinking a bottle of wine in my hotel room lol lol
you should not be doing that alone.
i am on my way!
Do not drink a bottle of wine in your hotel room alone and post on Eccie..

Omg guy's I am so sorry about this post. I was alone in my room had a bottle of wine. So if this post came across mean I again am so sorry. Those that know me know I am not like that at all

So any way .. What are your views on text messaging?

I love you Shreveport

Rebecca Dallas (the new avatar is a computer pic of " I am sorry" lol
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I will agree that phone communication is generally better. However, apparently it's still imperfect. I can recall several situations where verbal contact broke down.

One time in Dallas I talked to a gal & we agreed to 7 o'clock at my hotel. The hour rolled around and ncns. I called & she said, "Oh, I thought you said 9." Apparently my TX twang was misunderstood so the appointment was changed to 9. 9 rolled around & ncns. Once again I called & she said, "Damn! I meant 11." I'm just a lil OLD country mouse & needed my beauty sleep so I respectfully declined. She told me she wouldn't leak out that I cancelled since my rep was good.

On another appointment in ET I had confirmed by phone the day before. It was an hour drive to the location. The young lady knew I was traveling to get there. 30 minutes before the appointment (do the math) she called me to cancel because she wasn't up to it. To her credit she did visit with me socially otc so the entire afternoon wasn't wasted. I happen to enjoy this gal's company.

I won't go into detail about a third gal. The appointment was confirmed by phone the evening before & twice the morning of. Guess what happened. She moved our rendezvous & then cancelled face to face. She had her reasons, which I respect.

My point is apparently no form of communication os perfect. It doesn't matter if it's phone, email, text or smoke signals. If there's disrespect on either side there WILL be miscommunications (sometimes intentional).


PS I'm not whining & I don't expect any of the ladies referred to above to feel bad about nor even recall the events.
Now that is funny! You have casinos and tons of eager gentleman waiting to meet you.... and you are alone in a hotel room drinking wine by yourself and posting on eccie. You should have "called me or texted me" and I would've come back over to see you.

I had unbelievably beautiful lady that I was going to see that texted me to see if we could move our scheduled time back 20 minutes, because the maids were cleaning the room. When I arrived at the designated room nobody answered. After a few text and phone calls, come to find out she was downstairs drinking Bailey's and coffee. But boy, she made up for the slight confusion.

I believe that for the client and provider is easier to convey specific information (i.e. times, addresses, and phone numbers) by text. I don't mind speaking with the ladies via telephone to ensure that I am legitimately and attempting to build rapport. Telephone conversations can sometimes come at inconvenient times, where a text could convey the same information discreetly.

Have fun in Shreveport and stay away from the bottle!
DallasRain's Avatar
I dont mind text messaging..if you have already been screened or you are a regular friend

But please when you text,identify yourself....don't just text "Whats up baby"???......lol!!

Why is it that girls don't have our name/number in their phone when we are sending a social text, but when they need money they sure got it.
Ummm your right CPI, Can I please have your number since I lost in the casino's
TexRich's Avatar
ugh....now I feel bad Rebecca....
Don't feel bad .. That was me just being tipsy lol.. BTW I love your avatar. That is my fav show.. The ending last year was awesome

Chellablaine's Avatar
NO TEXT! Email, IM, and TEXT are all considered PAPER! Nope never not going to do it.
Dragon_inc's Avatar
No texting for me if you want to type at me e-mail or message on site. I like to talk to get a feel for the encounter. If you sound like bubba then it is a no go on meeting.
I have a good client who drunk texts me !! LOL
too funny
Drunk text you Chritsty Cupps ..
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hell yeah! Drunk texts are the best! In fact, that's the only freaking time I text message people; when I've been drinking.

tamarow is a word I commonly use when drunk-texting and what's bad ass is that people understand it.

But overall, I HATE text-messaging! ...errrr. I mean, I H8 txt msg!

It's a cell phone. Use the damned thing for what it was designed for...calling people.
