I urge caution

Bigh1955's Avatar
On reflection, in light of today's events:

While there seems to be clear evidence that JD and MsE were involved in a local provider being busted, we need to be careful jumping to conclusions. The report contains "implications" that these ladies were involved. The report says a third party called the police...not either of the ladies...at least not directly. I believe that would make this hearsay. Be careful about judging.

I am very sorry this happened to Sabrabay. No one deserves to have this happen to them. I understand how hurt she is by this and why she posted what she did. Given the opportunity I would have urged a different course, but it is what it is.

Whether MsE and Jackie were involved or not remains unproven in my mind...and for me...I am the only judge that counts. If my fence sitting makes me seem unfriendly to one side or the other, then so be it. You are the only judge that counts for you
Wow!! Way to much drama for me. Think I'll go buy myself a piece of ass to flush it from recent memory.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Hell, I'm just going to go get drunk! Got screwed without getting laid!
First off, I think it fundamentally unfair you mention names on here when some have been banned and can not reply.

Second, it is funny, Sabra said she did not give you anything, and whatever you did look at, you must have not looked at all of it.

And, lastly, HAPPY HANNUKAH. In that great memory, everyone needs to remember what was said and by whom. The scoreboard does count eventually (although we all get a handful of mulligans for a flakely review now and again. After all there is something in the pride of purchase concealing the facts.) The truth (unlike what some think) always prevails. It is like gravity pulling your old man balls (no woman will look at them unless you pay them enough - lol) towards the floor.

Again, to members of the tribe - HAPPY HANNUKAH.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Harry, I have debated whether or not I would even respond to this issue - this is a ridiculous situation, but at least now one that is proven absolutely that I had nothing to do with - which I have said all along. The police report is absolutely clear - there is no mention written, no evidence presented, that any one person was involved in anything at all with the police other than the one motherfucker that actually phoned the police in Hastings, Nebraska. I have read the police report (well, I have read those first two pages of the report chosen to be released by Sabrababy that were forwarded to me by several people - I will petition for myself from the Hastings Police for a copy of all the pages of the report, as until I read the complete report, I do not have all the facts). However, as I have read today, plainly, in black and white, what is absolutely proven by the report, is that I did not call, nor did I ever speak to the police in Hastings, and as revealed by the report neither did Ms. Elena and neither did Naughty Sue (a provider in Grand Island who was also mentioned), nor did any other working lady. I had nothing to do with anything regarding this situation, and it is there for everyone to see. The report exonerates me and any other lady from any direct connection. Sabra was apparently set up by a client - and one whom was willing to lie to the police, one willing make false statements to the police to gain credibility with them to have them act on the information he provided. Whoever this person is, he is not my husband (or ex-husband). For the record (again), I am not married. In fact, the issue of my divorce was actually discussed here on ECCIE some time ago and I have been divorced and on my own for pushing two years now and separated for much longer than that. Obviously, my ex-husband is not this person that is named in the police report - the report is full of fabrication from the person that called them. Also, the phone number with the 913 area code that appears in the report, I have personally called that phone number today, several times . . . it was eventually answered by an older gentleman . . . I asked to speak with the person named in the police report as it was listed by the police and the gentleman informed me he didn't know who that person was and that he was recently issued the telephone number. He apologized and hung up - he seemed genuine, very sincere, and I do not believe he was lying about the matter

I do, in fact, know "Tim" or "Tom" from Hastings. He may have known me by another name (other than "Jackie" - we were THAT close). The client lives in the Hastings area and I have seen him there (actually north of there when I stayed at the intersection of the Interstate and the highway leading to Hastings when I used to work the tri-city area) and I have visited with him in Omaha many times . . . he works for a tech company located in a suburb of Kansas City (at least he did when I knew him) and I have seen him professionally in KC at my incall also a few times. The client spent a LOT of money on me (and a few other ladies) over time and as I said we were once very close - as I stated previously here on ECCIE, all the way back when this incident took place and Sabra was arrested, I myself would have vouched for the client if Sabrababy had phoned and contacted me for a reference - ANY lady that had seen "Tom" (or "Tim") from Hastings would have (in fact, he was so prolific a "hobbyist" that all anyone might have needed to hear was that name from Hastings and he would have been vouched for) . . . he was a stand up client, he was never a problem, in fact, he was a pretty great guy. Obviously, for whatever reason, he apparently had a huge issue with Sabra over something, I do not know what. I have had no contact with this client since well before Sabra's arrest (maybe three or so months prior).

As some of you know - and as some of you do not - I have had some fairly intense health issues this year that I have dealt with. I had a hysterectomy this summer and I have been fighting other issues . . . I have cut way back on my touring, I am pursuing other business ventures . . . Physically, I am unable to see more than a few clients a week presently. I am lucky in that I have a few very loyal clients that I have been seeing in KC and I am very well taken care of . . . I am, for all general purposes, semi-retired (and have been since this summer, before Sabra even arrived on the ECCIE scene). Sometime this winter, I will most likely retire for good, unless my health improves (and I don't see that happening based on what I am told by my physicians). That is also why I have quit posting a lot here - I do not have any interest in the stress of this board, I don't want to be nor need to be distracted from other pursuits, and I am certainly not fishing for new clients. I haven't even had a P411 ad up much . . .

If I may - speaking now directly to Sabra, Ms Lady Y, whoever you are - if you are reading this - I don't know WHY you have had such a fascination with me, or my business, etc. - I had nothing to do with this situation other than to be a provider to a client (Tom/Tim) who knew he could use me as a reference. I'm not married, and my ex-husband (who is not named in the police report, by the way) could not / would not have called in to ANY department to have you arrested or cause you any harm - I don't work that way, and he never knew my clients names anyway - and as much as we needed to get divorced years ago, he would not have it in him to do anything like this - plus, that isn't his name, that isn't my name! I have had nothing to do with you, at all - in fact, I just didn't care for your style, so I steered clear of you. I'm sorry you got arrested, but my only connection is someone lied to the police and used my (and other ladies) working name (Jackie Devlin) to accomplish their goal. Now, go about your life and live it - I'm done thinking about you, or this matter. I had NOTHING to do with it other than knowing this Tom/Tim guy from Hastings. I make serious bank in this business, why would I care to ruin my own name for the likes of you? I don't know who it is you pissed off or why, but they fabricated a story to get you busted. All I can say is THANK GOD I am pretty much out of this business. Now stop sending me death threats, and kindly go fuck yourself.

- Jackie Devlin
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
So someone used your names jackie elena and sue's name wow how weird is that how does one give a fake name to the police? Doesnt work that way its sworn testimony and the police check all info when getting warrants and filing charges they dont just let so and so come in and say hey Im blow joe and I want to turn in competition but nice try. Any one with any sense at all knows this but enjoyed reading your novel well not really. Looks like the facts are coming out and ya cant spin the facts.
Fletcher - at least I can count on you to be an idiot . . . What you read was an account of a phone call to the Hastings Police - anyone can call and say ANYTHING - there is no finding of fact, no investigation and nothing in that incident report that says it is fact - in FACT, it says the opposite. It says someone CLAIMING to be . . . there is no notation that they checked any facts other than ECCIE. And if they did, they would have found I was SINGLE!!!! Stop and actually READ what they wrote . . . DUH!
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
If there was no investigation then there would be no arrest Duh! But nice try.
They named p411 and naughty review as well as personal ones...
As I have said in another thread, and then I am done with this crap - the report says "claiming to be the husband" or something to that effect, it doesn't say that it was fact . . .

I've been a trusted professional for MANY years, does anyone in their RIGHT MIND think if I had really flipped and gone to the dark side that they would EVER let it be known in a police report?? Seriously?? They would protect me as a source until they got a ton more than just this ONE thing - and I have been working since and nothing else has happened . . . they would never reveal me or anyone connected to me as a source if it was truly me or someone close to me behind it - they would not want to stop their ability to use me for information . . . DUH!

Now ya'll get real.

- Jackie
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Who's Harry?
Osolomio's Avatar
Homework for tomorrow:

Define and make distinctions between the following words.

1. Arrest

2. Conviction.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Homework for tomorrow:

Define and make distinctions between the following words.

1. Arrest

2. Conviction. Originally Posted by Osolomio
Good advice.
Who's Harry? Originally Posted by mbinlincoln
Harry is a nickname for a member that deleted his post in this thread prior to my own.

I had quoted him when I posted, when I went back and removed his quote after he deleted his posting, I should have removed (or modified) the first line of my reply.

Mea culpa, sorry for the confusion.

- Jackie