Education Poll Exposes Moochin’ Americans

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like we didn't already know this:

As we slide towards the “fiscal cliff,” President Obama’s stance seems pretty clear: Americans want lots of stuff but shouldn’t have to pay for it. (It’s a position the GOP has also often taken.) A new education survey suggests the President’s position is politically smart.

According to the poll, commissioned by the pro-spending Committee for Education Funding, 55 percent of respondents thought “education programs” should be spared automatic budget cuts, third behind Medicare (69 percent) and “tax credits for low-income families” (58 percent). That’s not surprising, since most people are rationally ignorant — how many have the time or inclination to delve into the minutiae of health, education, and tax policy? — and assume that spending on good-sounding things must be, well, good. That rampant rent-seeking and bureaucratic inefficiency squanders the dough probably isn’t something of which many are aware.

From a moral standpoint this isn’t hugely troubling, though one would hope that people would care much more about effects than intentions. What is quite troubling is that while many Americans think education is crucial and should be spared cuts, it seems they aren’t willing to pay for it themselves. 55 percent of respondents thought education should be protected from sequestration, but only 45 percent said they would “definitely” or “probably” be willing to pay more taxes to do it. And odds are respondents were much more willing to say they would accept higher taxes than they would be to support concrete efforts to actually get them.

So who, if anyone, should pay? While the survey isn’t crystal clear on that — indeed, there is much wiggle room throughout the findings – at least one indication is “the rich.” When given the (false) choice of either cuts to federal programs or tax increases for “those with incomes over $250,00 per year,” 58 percent chose the latter.

It’s hard to fault people for not knowing the depressing outcomes of federal programs that purportedly promote good things. It is not so difficult to fault them for saying that other people should pay for the initiatives they think are so dandy.

It seems there’s a fair amount of moochin’ goin’ on.
The Cato poll is a sad statement on American culture and values. But it isn't an recent trend. The sentiment of "Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that fellow behind the tree!" has been with us since our earliest days as a colony.

What is depressing is that for the first time we have a person in the White House who not only embraces such a contemptible value system, but openly encourages our citizens into a class warfare for the express purpose of broadening such a despicable sentiment.

Unlike Lincoln who sought to appeal to the better angels of our nature; Obama goes out of his way to appeal to the lowest level of our humanity - those that divide us.

Obama truly is a despicable character.
Fuck the poor give tax breaks to the rich.Maybe they will hire more yard workers.Oh right they are illegals...
Unfortunately it is the Obamazombies who are saying "fuck the working middle class; raise taxes, increase regulations, increase spending and generally fuck up the economy so we can re-distribute wealth in America."

The Obama tax on the rich isn't going to pay for the spending that Obama wants !

The Obama plan is to get the rest of the revenue from the backs of the middle class !

Howard Dean speaks the truth on this matter:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2012, 05:03 PM
Unfortunately it is the Obamazombies who are saying "fuck the working middle class; raise taxes, increase regulations, increase spending and generally fuck up the economy so we can re-distribute wealth in America."

The Obama tax on the rich isn't going to pay for the spending that Obama wants !

The Obama plan is to get the rest of the revenue from the backs of the middle class !

Howard Dean speaks the truth on this matter: Originally Posted by Whirlaway

how can keeping the tax rates on the middle class the same as they are now fuck the middle class?

oh yeah, republicans passed them
Raise gasoline taxes; increase Medicare taxes, increase health care costs, there are thousands of ways that Democrats can think of to make life harder on the middle class !

But your too dumb and narrow minded to figure them out......ya know CJ, the federal government collects money in ways other than income taxes !

Your a fucking moron; you shouldn't be playing in the adult section.
Just having a stagnant economy with substandard GDP growth fucks the middle class dummy.

how can keeping the tax rates on the middle class the same as they are now fuck the middle class?

oh yeah, republicans passed them Originally Posted by CJ7
Here it is in headline format for you simpletons (CJ) !

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office, study shows

Read more:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2012, 05:19 PM
Raise gasoline taxes; increase Medicare taxes, increase health care costs, there are thousands of ways that Democrats can think of to make life harder on the middle class !

But your too dumb and narrow minded to figure them out......ya know CJ, the federal government collects money in ways other than income taxes !

Your a fucking moron; you shouldn't be playing in the adult section. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

call me when any of your tax dreams come true
You can take it to the bank I won't be calling you CJ; but you can follow my headlines in the Sandbox (as you always do).
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-10-2012, 06:20 PM

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LMOAA @ frustrated dipshits
Chica Chaser's Avatar
how can keeping the tax rates on the middle class the same as they are now fuck the middle class?

oh yeah, republicans passed them Originally Posted by CJ7
Ending the 2 percent reprieve in the payroll tax would mean a tax increase for 160 million Americans. That will hit everyone working, rich/middle class/ least the ones that earn a paycheck.

Whether that fucks the middle class is up for debate, but your statement that tax rates will remain the same for the middle class is incorrect.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 02:31 AM
Ending the 2 percent reprieve in the payroll tax would mean a tax increase for 160 million Americans. That will hit everyone working, rich/middle class/ least the ones that earn a paycheck.

Whether that fucks the middle class is up for debate, but your statement that tax rates will remain the same for the middle class is incorrect. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

tax rates remain the same for everyone making under $250K dont they?
Nope. Tax rates go up for everyone if the Bush/Obama tax cuts are allowed to expire.