We Have To Pass The Bill So You Can See What's In It...Hmmmmm


Even Al Franken, who is a liberal among liberals, is up in arms about this.
Well, sorry Senator Shithead, just because your State has a huge Medical Device Manufacturing Base doesn't mean you can now say 'kings X'. It's the Law.

Maybe you SHOULD have read it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 11:46 AM
bills hardly ever get read in full ..

its congress remember ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Remember, CBJ7? Your Lord and Savior, Barack Obama, promised to post bills on the internet for 5 days before he signed them. If he hadn't lied, we might not be in this mess. But he did lie, didn't he? Yes, he did.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 12:12 PM
Remember, CBJ7? Your Lord and Savior, Barack Obama, promised to post bills on the internet for 5 days before he signed them. If he hadn't lied, we might not be in this mess. But he did lie, didn't he? Yes, he did. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

doesnt make a shit what gets posted on the internet for YOU to read ... congress as a whole doesnt read the vast majority of legislation they pass .. anyone that thinks every member of the house and senate reads some 1600 pages and REMEMBERS exactly on those 1600 pages before they vote on a bill is as stupid as you are.

but lets pretend a 1600 page bill gets posted on the internet and YOU read it ... what the fuck can you do about it other than whine and bitch just like you do about bills you havent read on the internet ?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 01:16 PM
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

we should eliminate PORK injected into EVERY bill that goes through congress ... that would shorten the bill, AND reduce spending in one fell swoop ... and while we're at it make it mandatory that EVERY congressman/woman be on the floor during EVERY session, not screwing off somewhere waiting to show up and vote for their pet pork projects
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-11-2012, 04:25 PM
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yea, and on top of that why aren't the people in congress writting the bills. Isn't that what WE elected them for? Why do "aids" write the bills, i did not elect any of those cocksuckers. Fucking government, what a god damn waste.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-11-2012, 04:31 PM
we should eliminate PORK injected into EVERY bill that goes through congress ... that would shorten the bill, AND reduce spending in one fell swoop ... and while we're at it make it mandatory that EVERY congressman/woman be on the floor during EVERY session, not screwing off somewhere waiting to show up and vote for their pet pork projects Originally Posted by CJ7
And i agree with that also. I don't show up for work, i get a pink slip, and aboot out the door. These cocksuckers work for US, or are supposed to. Fuckers, this shit just pisses me off more and more. Maybe it's time for a french revolution, get rid of every motherfucking one, and start over.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 Seedman!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-11-2012, 04:32 PM
Yea, and on top of that why aren't the people in congress writting the bills. Isn't that what WE elected them for? Why do "aids" write the bills, i did not elect any of those cocksuckers. Fucking government, what a god damn waste. Originally Posted by seedman55

same reason legal assistants do research work for lawyers while the lawyers are out playing with providers
Chica Chaser's Avatar
we should eliminate PORK injected into EVERY bill that goes through congress ... that would shorten the bill, AND reduce spending in one fell swoop ... and while we're at it make it mandatory that EVERY congressman/woman be on the floor during EVERY session, not screwing off somewhere waiting to show up and vote for their pet pork projects Originally Posted by CJ7
Yea, and on top of that why aren't the people in congress writting the bills. Isn't that what WE elected them for? Why do "aids" write the bills, i did not elect any of those cocksuckers. Fucking government, what a god damn waste. Originally Posted by seedman55
Amen to all of the above! Imagine that, having to report to WORK everyday and doing your JOB, incredulous! And NO more hidden pork, if they want to spend money on a pet project, fine and dandy, write it up on a new bill and let it face the cold light of day (and of a full vote). This hiding it by burying something deep in a totally unrelated bill is bullshit.
And while we're at it, none of this voting "Present" bullshit either. Grab your balls (or pussy as the case may be), take a stand and vote "Yea" or "Nay".

same reason legal assistants do research work for lawyers while the lawyers are out playing with providers Originally Posted by CJ7
Thats how TTH and SJ run their shops is my guess. I'd do the same.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-11-2012, 05:10 PM
same reason legal assistants do research work for lawyers while the lawyers are out playing with providers Originally Posted by CJ7
There is the kicker CJ, WE are suppose to be the bosses NOT THEM, they are elected to do what WE WANT, PERIOD END OF STORY....!!!!! The day of reconning is comming, and i pray to god i live long enough to see it... Fucking COCKSUCKERS, EVERY GOD DAMN ONE OF EM......Yea I am pissed off...!!!!!!!
joe bloe's Avatar
Maybe we should start electing people to Congress that WILL read, AND understand, bills, in their entirety, before casting their vote for or against it? People that will vote in the best interests of their particular constituents, instead of simply voting the party line. And maybe make these bills somewhat less than 1600 pages? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I think it was 2,700 pages. It's arguably the most important legislation ever passed, and no one even read it. Astonishing.

There is the kicker CJ, WE are suppose to be the bosses NOT THEM, they are elected to do what WE WANT, PERIOD END OF STORY....!!!!! The day of reconning is comming, and i pray to god i live long enough to see it... Fucking COCKSUCKERS, EVERY GOD DAMN ONE OF EM......Yea I am pissed off...!!!!!!! Originally Posted by seedman55
I cant imagine what your pissed about, big Pharma, big oil, big banking etc flying our elected reps around the World, to play golf, chase pussy, wine and dine , hell seedman sounds like a great life all you have to do is get elected!
bills hardly ever get read in full ..

its congress remember ? Originally Posted by CJ7
What a typical liberal BS response. Imagine if a republican house passed this piece of shit and were told to "sign it then read it" ... I wonder if CJ would say the same thing.