Abraham Shakespeare.....Murdered Lotto Winner

I've been following this story for awhile now as it was so very sad. And so very unnecessary.

A quick recap:

Illiterate labor worker wins 30 million in 2006 Florida lotto.
Takes 17 million lump sum.
He bought 3 major purchases for himself, a $1.1 million dollar home, a Nissan Altima, and a used Rolex watch from a pawnshop.

Basically gives rest of money away to friends, family & anyone who asked.

Enter Dorice 'Dee Dee' Moore in 2009. Approaches him under the guise of writing a book about him winning lottery and she just happens to be a 'financial advisor' as well. *side eyes

She pilfers what's left of his winnings through bogus LLC companies she establishes, shoots him twice and buries him in her backyard and pours a 30x30 slab of concrete on top of him.

His body was found early 2010.

He was missing for almost a year before the family decides to report him missing. (I guess after he's paid off everyones mortgages, bills & hands out most of his winnings until he has close to nothing left, noone cares he's MIA).

Meanwhile 'Dee Dee' is paying people to report 'sightings' of him around town (Lakeland Florida) and to make phone calls to his mother pretending to be him.

She was found guilty last week and sentenced to life + 25 years.

This story really breaks my heart. It's sad he didn't get the opportunity to fully enjoy his good fortune the way he should have.

So I pose the following question:

If you won a huge lottery, how would you safeguard yourself?

1st I would collect my winnings ANONYMOUSLY then I'd disappear.
Send a charity of my choice, close friends and family each a check and
fall off the radar.

How hard is that? I understand the advice of lawyering up & hiring a financial advisor but come on. I can count. I'd be fine with some boring interest rate from the bank! Ijs I don't need 5 homes, maids & butlers, 10 cars, etc etc. But that's just me.

I don't know. They say that type of money changes you. But I say only if you're weak minded to start with.

It seems so simple to me yet there's a tv show 'How the Lottery Ruined My Life'.
Irony, his name was Abraham Shakespeare. Yet he could hardly read and write.
He had a kick ass moniker! RIP Abraham.
tia travels's Avatar
That "is" sad.
I'd contact lawyers and maybe financial people before I collected the money and then as you would, I'd do it anonymously if at all possible.
I'd just buy Seal Team 6 for my security detail:

Or If I wanted to take a few dozen providers down to Barbados with me, Id save on the Security and hire these Guys:
Jules and Vincent
"Say WHAT again Motherfucker!!"

Chica Chaser's Avatar
The Main Discussion forum is specifically for hobby related discussions. This one is not, moved to Sandbox
My apologies Chica.
I rarely start threads outside of PR. Was unaware.