hookers be sensitive these days...

Mr Blonde's Avatar
And apparently dnt like the word Hooker.
  • Annef
  • 12-12-2012, 10:41 AM
Just depends on the way it's used. But, I believe the politically correct term is "ho". We'll thank you to use it next time.
I prefer the following terms:


Orgasm engineer
Hardware handler
Happiness technician
Penis astronaut

Any suggestion ?
Still Looking's Avatar
"Ho Whisperer" doesn't sound right!
Orgasm whisperer
Penis whisperer ....anyone ?
Mr Blonde's Avatar
2 years ago it was hooktard. Thats prob my fav
Still Looking's Avatar
Orgasm whisperer
Penis whisperer ....anyone ? Originally Posted by Monica Austin
Now your talking!
  • Annef
  • 12-12-2012, 12:32 PM
It would be. The whole reason for this thread is that you insulted a woman for trying to offer valid advice about what to do during a heart attack. I actually know several "hookers" who are also nurses. Would you prefer that they NOT administer CPR on you whilst operating in "hooker" capacity because you find that to be ridiculous. My point is, your response on that thread was very patronizing. That being said, I do kind of like hooktard, but it is not a noun. It's an adjective.
Grecco's Avatar
I prefer the following terms:


Orgasm engineer
Hardware handler
Happiness technician
Penis astronaut

Any suggestion ? Originally Posted by Monica Austin
I do like that penis astronaut one! Kinda snort laughed when I read it...
Penis astronaut is my favorite !
Annef....thank you ....

I already parched things up with Mr Blonde over PM......I am his dominatrix now.....lol
I don't like the word 'hooker' either.

I think we all are of the belief that the services provided by these women, should be legal. But so long as people refer to the ladies in this line of work as "hookers" and "prostitutes" and even "whores" do a great disservice to that end.

They are providers of adult services. We should all treat them as professionals, and demand that they act as such.

They are no different from a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or any other adult who exchanges their time, effort, and skills in exchange for monetary (or other) considerations.

Let's stop treating them like cheap criminals, and start treating them like professional business people, and I think we'll all be pleased with both the short and long term results.
  • Annef
  • 12-12-2012, 01:56 PM
Yes, and thank you. Althogh I am fond of reappropriating language. Ho feminism!!
  • Annef
  • 12-12-2012, 01:58 PM
oh wait. ho, ho, ho, feminism. My bad. It' the holidays.
atxbrad's Avatar
The term hookers or prostitutes has been around before we were. No need in sugar coating their chosen occupation.
Its only disrespectful if used in a disrespectful nature. Other than that, calling a prostiture a prostitute is the same thing as calling a dentist a dentist.