Stay out of Aurora, Colorado...

I mean, seriously, STAY OUT OF AURORA:

Mass shootings seem to be the norm.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Typical gun grabber. Won't even let the bodies get cold.
ncrtt1's Avatar
Note that as usual, the NY paper neglects to note that in the case of the Aurora theater shooting, it was the only one of 7 theaters near the shooters house that banned concealed weapon carry, thus guaranteeing the shooter would not be stopped. None of the three dead people were killed by gunshots apparently, so the only gun violence victim was the one killed by the police.

Keep your concealed carry gun and license in Aurora and you will be fine.
Typical gun grabber. Won't even let the bodies get cold. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't get so defensive. I'm just commenting on the bizarre coincidence.

I'm not a gun grabber.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't we get more information then.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Propaganda you can believe in.
More information:

Another crazy with a gun kills three.

Like I said, stay out of Aurora. There is something in the water....