Why is Eccie not popular here?

Fedexpilot's Avatar
So the story is the same you have heard 10,000 times before "I will be traveling to Atlanta for business and ....." I have been watching the Atlanta board for a while and I am just curious why it seems so slow for a town this size. So what is an out of town guy with plenty of reviews/references gonna do? Go thru an agency or god forbid, start looking at BP? Thanks in advance.
Atlanta has a lot of high quality women here, just not the quantity you see in other cities. The ones you see posted on Eccie tend to be the most well known. If you think really hard, There are other Erotic Review boards which is where all the Atlanta community seems to congregate. But whatever you do, avoid BP..thats not where you will find much, if anything to, to your liking.
Fedexpilot's Avatar
Thanks. I'm not sure what good i can do over there being a newby, but maybe its worth a shot. Thanks.
Thanks. I'm not sure what good i can do over there being a newby, but maybe its worth a shot. Thanks. Originally Posted by Fedexpilot
I think you will find the ladies are reference friendly. Good luck!
atlcomedy's Avatar
these are always fun threads...good advice AtlFan

He's right...ladies here are great & I'd argue plentiful this board just sucks in ATL...despite some attempts to grow.

The predecessor board to ECCIE sucked in ATL too.

I just ask you not to judge the city by this Board....you can find whatever you want here...to fit any budget or any type..
TER is extensively used on the east coast, including Atlanta.
Fedexpilot's Avatar
I appreciate all your help. I was able to satisfy my sweet tooth last night in Moblie. I don't know if I can hold out until Saturday, though.
Caylee's Avatar
Your handle makes me want to just scream "Wilson!" lol!

There are ladies in Atlanta, you just have to know where to look ;-)
Fedexpilot's Avatar
Your handle makes me want to just scream "Wilson!" Originally Posted by Caylee
Sunshine, you can scream anything you'd like.
Fedexpilot's Avatar
Ok, who wants to play today?