"Big Sis" Thinks You're an Idiot

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Check out this "advice video" about what to do if you are in a shooting situation.


“If you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available,” says the narrator in the video, which shows an office worker pulling scissors out of a desk drawer.

Are you f'ing kidding me? When confronted by a shooter, you need to reasonably assess whether it is better to evacuate or hide?

Your tax dollars at work. What a bunch of morons.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2013, 06:07 PM
Who cares what LovingKayla thinks of you....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Did you catch the part where they advised to "make sure you leave your possessions behind". Not "don't worry about your possessions" but you're supposed to remember to leave everything behind. I love the part about grabbing scissors and going to war. I was always taught not to run with scissors. If I can't run and I have scissors then I can't leave. If I put the scissors down so I can run then I have nothing to defend myself with....except a .45 caliber, semiautomatic pistol with an extra mag. Now I can run with that.
JCM800's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It kind of reminded me of those old instructions of what to do in case of a nuclear attack.

Get under your desk and kiss your ass good-bye.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Check out this "advice video" about what to do if you are in a shooting situation.


“If you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available,” says the narrator in the video, which shows an office worker pulling scissors out of a desk drawer.

Are you f'ing kidding me? When confronted by a shooter, you need to reasonably assess whether it is better to evacuate or hide?

Your tax dollars at work. What a bunch of morons.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is a truly absurd video.
What friggin idiots. It's OK to try and defend yourself with scissors but not with a gun. Only liberals would come up with such BS. Maybe they think we should try to "talk" to them too.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Since most of the shooters have been Liberals...why wouldn't they thinck that?
chefnerd's Avatar
Seems to me "Big Sis" is the idiot here.