IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wait a second. Weren't costs supposed to go down? Did I miss something? Oh, yeah. Another Obama lie. Dig deep in your wallet, Obama's on the job.

From the article:

In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan.

“The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000,” the regulation says.

Read the rest of the article here, and bend over:

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Oh, Gawd!!! What fu*king rock did Ol' Magic Stove kick over for this bunch to crawl out from under?

Another "legitimate," take this sh*t to the bank, source from our resident Grits Chef.
It must be true; RandyDanglesCandy is all bent out shape, foaming at the mouth crazy, with no facts to dispute the IRS statement.
That number does seem quite a bit inflated.

Not even that jerkwad Nancy Peloci would have passed a bill that cost the "average' household that much. She's stupid, but not THAT stupid.

I would bet it is more in the tune of $7000-$8000.
joe bloe's Avatar
The original cost estimate for ten years of Obamacare was 0.9 trillion. The most recent ten cost year estimate is 2.6 trillion. The initial estimate was off by almost THREE HUNDRED PERCENT.

We were obviously lied to. The actual cost could be a hundred times the original estimated cost and the Democrats would just say "What difference does it make?"
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-01-2013, 01:54 PM
That number does seem quite a bit inflated.

Not even that jerkwad Nancy Peloci would have passed a bill that cost the "average' household that much. She's stupid, but not THAT stupid.

I would bet it is more in the tune of $7000-$8000. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your probably close js, but I think it will be a bit more than that. But it is a shit load more than I pay now. Every lowlife that voted for that, should be fucking hung
Assuming it's a typical family (2 adults and 2.3 kids per household); then the IRS numbers could be right...

It comes out to an expense of $370 per month per person....
This is so mindless, it's laughable! Simple minded math for the simple minded -- without any actual reality or depth of thought.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bullshit. pure and simple. Please bring some credible sources to your paranoid rants or don't expect to be taken seriously, dipshit!

How does that affect guys like you who are already on the government teat, Whiny?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, even if you skim the article, the quote is the "average cost", not the "minimum cost," as the post headline claims. I didn't take the time to read the IRS reg, which doesn't deal directly with costs, but instead deals with calculating the penalty for not carrying coverage (which does apparently require an estimate of the cost of a policy).

For the 1/10 of 1% who may read this and haven't already made up their minds, here is a pretty good article on who will pay more and who won't under the ACA.

Bottom line, if you get your insurance through your employer, like most folks, you'll do fine. If not, and you work for someone who forces you to forage in the viscous and cut-throat individual market, you'll pay more, but at least your get a decent policy for a change instead of having a better than 50/50 chance of getting a piece of shit that really doesn't pay when you have a very serious illness. (And if you had any real pre-existing condition, you never had much chance of getting that.) If you're young and healthy, you're going to pay more. If you smoke, you're going to pay more. But otherwise, you're fine.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The figures are from the IRS, the agency that will be administering the system. They're expecting the cost to be around $20,000 per year. Argue with them. Show them your left-wing Obama-apologizing, opinion pieces. Apparently they haven't heard.
Chances are if you have coverage, your employer will opt to pay the penalty and leave you to fend for yourself.....

This is what Obama hopes for.........that way he can start yelling for the even more expensive "single payer system", the socialist wet dream.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Chances are if you have coverage, your employer will opt to pay the penalty and leave you to fend for yourself.....

This is what Obama hopes for.........that way he can start yelling for the even more expensive "single payer system", the socialist wet dream. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I own two companies and I'm not dropping coverage for any of my employees. Why would anybody else? If you have a profitable business and good, highly skilled employees, you want to take care of them. Without them, your business will fail.

The only type of business that would drop coverage is the sort of business that thrives with McEmployeees, where one worker is basically fungible with another. And frankly, because of the lack of unions in the U.S., very few of those types of employees have group health care these days. They the poor SOB's who have been thrown into the unregulated individual market and get such shitty policies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Chances are if you have coverage, your employer will opt to pay the penalty and leave you to fend for yourself.....

This is what Obama hopes for.........that way he can start yelling for the even more expensive "single payer system", the socialist wet dream. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fucking idiot.

But an excellent mind reader.

Good job, KARL!
Bullshit. pure and simple. Please bring some credible sources to your paranoid rants or don't expect to be taken seriously, dipshit!

How does that affect guys like you who are already on the government teat, Whiny? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here you go, Assup.

This is the actual IRS regulation, from The example in question is on page 56.