Stripper to provider?

  • romab
  • 06-29-2010, 10:58 AM
Went to SC with work associates for beer eye candy. Nothing much to salivate about till spotted very good looker who joined us. Good personality and very sexy and sensual just talking. Made me think she would make a great provider.

Normally I don't see the stripper persona (get the money and move on asap) as provider material. Course could be totally off. Especially wondering what you think ladies.

Yes Brook, tell the two turtles to stop humping and give me your thoughts


Always looking for fresh powder snow and oversexed women
It depends... sounds kind of like you want to be her pimp! lol... and alot of girls dance vs. provide because they are not willing to do more than dance.... She may not be interested, especially if she is already making good money at the club.
dearhunter's Avatar
The hooktard response aside, fresh talent is always at a premium among hobbyists............sadly, you will find some of the competition feel threatened and sandbag your ass with "pimp" and cock blocking comments.

Any positive new provider info for the bros is a good thing.
Himmler's Avatar
The hooktard response aside, fresh talent is always at a premium among hobbyists............sadly, you will find some of the competition feel threatened and sandbag your ass with "pimp" and cock blocking comments.

Any positve new provider info for the bros is a good thing. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Perfect response!!!!!
  • romab
  • 06-29-2010, 03:07 PM
Got about as much use for a pimp as camel dung on the bottom of my work boots. Was just curious if there was cross over, or each unique . Bang for the buck, I'll take the provider or massage any day. Thanks Dearhunter, we on the same highway

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
With the economic recession I have noticed a trend... strippers at top notch clubs can't make enough money dancing and start providing... women at second tier clubs move up to the 1st tier clubs... unfortunately... women from the streets start working as dancers at the bottom tier clubs...I used to love going to a 3rd tier club holding up a 20 dollar bill and having the women cat fight to get to me... now I'm afraid if I go there and show a 20 dollar bill... I'll get mugged the dancers...
Cousin Dupree's Avatar
While some strippers do make the transition to provider, most do not. Even some of those who do extras in the club would balk at the provider label. One time I got an angry reply from a stripper who had just given me a nice sloppy bj who said she NEVER meets anyone outside the club, because she's not a hooker or anything like that!
  • romab
  • 06-29-2010, 06:03 PM
Cousin Thats funny. OK to wiggle it at any old person who walks in off the street wearing a g-string about the thickness of dental floss; but don't dare use the P label. What a screwed up PC world.

I use to be an exotic dancer and am now a provider. So far I enjoy it and am meeting some nice people. This world has opened my eyes up to alot of things I never really knew existed for better lack of knowledge. Im happy to be a provider pretty much, lol! If you think shell like it, you cant hurt yourself for trying.

Happy Hobbying
fine line....i think not. many just haven't opened up to the idea of sleeping for money. one told me i can make u think your getting more out of this dance and you will keep paying. if she told me that there was no play involved, then dance would be over. for her it was about mind control.....

providing is the ultimate crown. But then again....this is why you will find some that play in the club vs. not... justify the part time need for cash when club is slow....
@ Gisselle - that is one ROUND bootay.....if u do dance again,. let me know so i can come watch....and be proud. nothing like stage atmosphere....

I use to be an exotic dancer and am now a provider. So far I enjoy it and am meeting some nice people. This world has opened my eyes up to alot of things I never really knew existed for better lack of knowledge. Im happy to be a provider pretty much, lol! If you think shell like it, you cant hurt yourself for trying.

Happy Hobbying Originally Posted by Gisselle
  • romab
  • 06-30-2010, 08:36 AM
Windows. She must be working on some weak or alcohol fogged minds. No problems witch way a lady wants to go just don't think you can mind meld me. It is all about $ for seevice. SC just leaves me poorer and walking funny