How much will you tolerate?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have asked this before. How much crap from this administration will you take. What would make you condemn this buffoon? Four dead Americans sacrificed in Libya didn't do it. Ruining out military is not doing it. How about a hypothetical; what if you found out that the White House was assisting in a transfer of ultra technology to a foreign power that was not necessarily our friend? Would that make your blood boil knowing that people were willing to sacrifice our military men and women for politics or money? I would really like to know.
Well I've pretty much have washed my hands of this administration. The whole kit and kaboodle are bad apples. None of them know what to do in a crisis. The Fiscal cliff was a joke, they didn't accomplish shit. They think they can create jobs and they aren't. If they are they aren't being filled because of the lack of skills of the average American. The up and comming Sequester will probably be disaterous because the president and congress are unable to compromise. They seem to juggle to much at once and nothing gets accomplished. Iam starting to wonder if any of these people are even smart enough to run a country like America. High debt, high unemployment, urban decay because of major industries going belly up, thats all unacceptable.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2013, 07:50 AM
How much will you tolerate?

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.

I tolerated 8 years of Bush and Cheney, I suspect you will do the same with Obama and Biden. Though it appears you cry way more about it while I just waited for the next election cycle. May I suggest you start thinking more and feeling less.

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
JCM800's Avatar
I have asked this before. How much crap from this administration will you take. What would make you condemn this buffoon? Four dead Americans sacrificed in Libya didn't do it. Ruining out military is not doing it. How about a hypothetical; what if you found out that the White House was assisting in a transfer of ultra technology to a foreign power that was not necessarily our friend? Would that make your blood boil knowing that people were willing to sacrifice our military men and women for politics or money? I would really like to know. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

there's nothing anyone can do about it anyway
BigLouie's Avatar
I have asked this before. How much crap from this administration will you take. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Just because you don't like him doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. Investors that have seen the value of their investments go up probably feel pretty good about him. Companies that are reporting record profits probably feel pretty good about him. Those that can now get insurance coverage prolly like him a lot. Companies that make guns and ammo love him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I bet you guys are fun in prison. They shove it in and you just accept it. A couple of you would ask for seconds I think.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If the sun is rising, guys like Barleybrains will be whining about the Administration. That's the unfortunate unhappy fact of life in America.

You sniveling babies stop your crying... all day every day!

Get over it. Or hunker down.

Crybabies won't have a chance to take back the country in 2016.

In spite of your conspiracy theories, shadowy scandals and paranoid delusions, the majority of voters disagreed with you. Stock Market is soaring. Unemployment is steadily declining and Obama's job performance numbers are "trending" higher now than they've been since 2009.

Some folks would say that's a pretty good deal...

It's your right to whine about him.

And it's my right to call you a bunch of pussies!
Ruining out military is not doing it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Yes, "ruining out military" upsets me.

I bet you guys are fun in prison. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The voice of experience is always good to hear.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Inflation is soaring, thus artificially driving up the stock market, while unemployment is higher today than it was when Odumbo took office; "real" unemployment is even higher.
Inflation is soaring, thus artificially driving up the stock market, while unemployment is higher today than it was when Odumbo took office; "real" unemployment is even higher. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How's the stock market doing since Obama took office?
I B Hankering's Avatar
How's the stock market doing since Obama took office? Originally Posted by bigtex

CNBC Announces Stock Market Highs

Posted on February 19, 2013 by David

CNBC announced today that our stock markets are reaching new highs. Almost. The Dow Jones topped out on October 9, 2007 at 14,165.53 and closed today at 14,035.67. But why quibble over 130 points when Happy Days are here again?

Adjusted for inflation, the stock market high is 15,105.78 in 2013 dollars (from 2008 instead of 2007 since the high was near the end of 2007). But why quibble over 1650 points (11%)? Let’s consider gold in this same time frame (October 9, 2007). Gold was $732.60 / oz. on that date. Using an inflation calculator and 2008 again, the inflation adjustment for gold today would be $781.23. Gold closed down today at $1604.70 / oz. Even doubling the inflation adjusted cost of gold, today’s value would be $1562.46. So the value of gold adjusted for inflation more than doubled and the stock market is still down 11% in the same time frame.

But in the final analysis, the stock market is the measure of the health of our country. Even though gas has doubled, retail sales have collapsed and food has increased, our economy is on the mend. Just ask anyone buying lobster and steak at the grocery market with an EBT card.

David DeGerolamo
BigLouie's Avatar
I have asked this before. How much crap from this administration will you take. What would make you condemn this buffoon? ... I would really like to know. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And do what? Armed revolution? How's your command and control compared to the US armed forces. Just what would you do?

Do this for me, ask every business owner you know if his business is doing very well or not doing well and let me know what the majority is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a change, IBRunning&Hiding isn't making any claims, just cutting and pasting bullshit from another "hard" Tea Party blog.

The NCRenegade bills itself as a blog for "Opinions and Commentary for the Hard Tea Party"

I suppose that says it all. But IBRunning&Hiding doesn't.

Do you have an opinion or just a Google search bar on your browser, IBRunning&Hiding?

You want to bet your reputation on the credibility of the NCRenegade, with a Twitter following of less than 500 people? What a silly question! Of course you do. They've Tweeted less than a third as many times as you've posted on ECCIE!

While you're planning your next barrage of repetitive insults, why don't you check out the incredible values in the "Survival Store?"

And maybe you and your pals can jump under the bandwagon on this, also a prominent part of NCRenegade!
Safety and Preparedness

NC Renegade encourages everyone to become self sufficient and continue education in all forms of safety and preparedness. The best overall site for this topic is Survival Blog by James Wesley Rawles. We strongly encourage you to visit this site and take advantage of its broad knowledge base.
I'm guessing they speak for you, eh, IBRunning&Hiding?
This is all so upsetting . . . LOL

More drool from the land of short memories -- my recollection of 2000 thru 2008 isn't exactly a big bucket of roses!

I'll deal with what life throws at me and get through it all (with the help of some exceptional women that exist in the much more interesting parts of this little neighborhood)!

Carry on . . .
bojulay's Avatar
Best case scenario we are headed into some form of hyper inflation.

Worst case scenario the dollar will be devalued by 10, 20 ,maybe 30
or more percent, we will become Mexico overnight.

Think the government is really going to do anything about
runaway debt and spending.

Like trying to stop a runaway train by stretching some bungee
cords across the tracks.

Sadly, probably not a question of if, but when.

The electronics age is what has fueled the world
economies over the last few decades.

Are there any new technologies or such broad reaching
new products on the horizon that can compare. Green energy?
I don't think so.

All world wide economies are starting to slow down and are projected
to continue in that direction.

No ha ha