I've had the same problem with providers not seeing me after a seemingly good date. What are you going to do? Originally Posted by jim1995All I can do is find other escorts. I've been seeing escorts for a couple years and it wasn't until last year that I found a good provider to make as my main girl who would actually keep seeing me and I've been seeing her since I believe around last June. And she happened to be a private escort instead of a internet escort
I bet it was because you last too long.Really, why would a provider wanna reject a good client because he lasts too long when that provider know's for certain that this is a safe client to deal with? Isn't rejecting a client for something small like that dangerous because the more good clients she rejects for lasting too long will mean she will constantly have to gamble on finding new clients who she hope will bust fast but this will also increase the chances of her finding a dangerous crazy ass client one day.
That would be heaven in a relationship but in the hobby it's a nightmare.
Maybe you are just too cocky.
I hate cocky attitudes. Originally Posted by ArisRose
Really, why would a provider wanna reject a good client because he lasts too long when that provider know's for certain that this is a safe client to deal with? Isn't rejecting a client for something small like that dangerous because the more good clients she rejects for lasting too long will mean she will constantly have to gamble on finding new clients who she hope will bust fast but this will also increase the chances of her finding a dangerous crazy ass client one day. Originally Posted by warrior13It's called choice.
You do realize that getting butthurt over a whore makes you appear crazy/clingly. Originally Posted by ArisRoseOh no I wasn't hurt I just found the situation strange. I easily found another provider because fortunately for me backpage had a very nice out of town provider here in Little Rock at that time
Is is possible that she read some of your posts on here?
IJS... Originally Posted by Lazrback