Etiquette question

yteranger's Avatar
I am an experienced hobbyist and like to consider myself very well schooled on all the, "rules of the game" but I have a question of etiquette I've never really been sure on how to approach. My question for both providers and hobbyists alike is, If I have a specific fantasy or request of something I would like to do during my appointment, and it IS something the providers website or P411 profile says she does do, when would I discuss such a thing with her? Obviously not during a phone call or email and waiting until I am in the room also seems inappropriate. So folks, what are your thoughts, advice or experiences?
I guess it depends what it is. If I wanted something from a provider that was a little out of the norm, I would talk with her about it after playtime on our first date. That is if we have never met. Set it up for your second date.

I think it all boils down to comfort level with the lady.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
After she's verified you and if what you were requesting was neither in her reviews anywhere or on her p411 or website I'd probably wait until you two are naked & comfy during the date to ask. I don't think you need to wait on a 2nd date for that.
livn2do's Avatar
What MOCHA said