Obama announces that he is a catholic

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Forget Islam, Obama is now a full blown catholic and proud of it. In fact he claims that he is the result of an immaculate conception and is ready to assume the duties of Pope so he can do to the rest of the world what he has done to the US.

Somebody wake me when something meaningful is posted!
LexusLover's Avatar

Somebody wake me when something meaningful is posted! Originally Posted by bigtex
You probably should avoid sleeping beside your computer. You're "sleep posting"!
You probably should avoid sleeping beside your computer. You're "sleep posting"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Shhhhh, you're disturbing my slumber!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey Obama, Venezuela is short one dictator. I think you would do just fine, can I assist in sending you on your way?
jbravo_123's Avatar
Better we use up their oil than ours
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2013, 10:54 AM
Better we use up their oil than ours Originally Posted by jbravo_123
LOL...funny but true!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Before I get started with Corneyhole's "contribution" to Western Civilization below, I have to comment on T2Nutlicker's fixation on sucking The President for Four More Years' dick: Just Do It!

Forget Islam hard to forget something that never existed , Obama is now a full blown catholic and proud of it In the words of your mentor, C.O. Grits, "link, please." In fact he claims that he is the result of an immaculate conception and is ready to assume the duties of Pope so he can do to the rest of the world what he has done to the US. This statement presumes prior knowledge that this is accurate and factual. Again, links, please to prove your point and bring the rest of us up to your speed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Corneyhole, you've stripped the gym floor several times, stripped the bleachers on more than one occasion and have begun stripping the walls. Since the fecal matter residing inside of your skull has now ossified due to over exposure, it's probably not the thing to do to embark upon your quest to surpass your mentor's record of posting useless bullshit.
dtymh55's Avatar
I agree with Mr The2Dogs, LOl!
LovingKayla's Avatar

Somebody wake me when something meaningful is posted! Originally Posted by bigtex

When has meaningful shit ever been posted here?
Corneyhole - Since the fecal matter residing inside of your skull has now ossified due to over exposure, it's probably not the thing to do to embark upon your quest to surpass your mentor's record of posting useless bullshit. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
What would these two knuckleheads and their shit-for-brains followers do without the Teapublicans and FAUX "News" to parrot?