Obama Furloughs FDA Inspectors; Keeps $100K First Family Dog Walker

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Man, that dog has it pretty easy! No way the sequester is going to make Bo suffer. Thank God for taxpayer money being used to pick up Presidential poop.

From the article:

As per White House instructions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to begin releasing 1000 detained illegal aliens per week—remember these are serious felons—back into American communities. Public tours of the White House, given by volunteers, are now officially canceled, and FDA (Fish, Poultry and Meat) inspectors are set to be furloughed so that Americans are made to understand the severity of what Mr. Messina’s e-mail describes as “sledgehammer” cuts under the Republican caused sequester.

In a recent article by Alex Pappas at the “Daily Caller,” Pappas references “Presidential Perks Gone Royal” by Robert Gray. According to Pappas’ research, last year, the American taxpayer spent $1.4 billion to maintain and provide for the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by our nation’s First Family, which includes “everything from staffing, housing, flying, and entertaining President Obama, and the First Family.” Incidentally, that also includes regular transportation and entertaining of Mr. Messina and his grassroots group’s fundraisers at “Organizing for Action.”

White House occupants and guests also enjoy a 24-hour live-in movie projectionist (actually bunks at the White House just in case somebody wants to watch a movie on-demand) and $102,000 salaried Walker/Handler for the first family’s $1600 hypoallergenic dog, “Bo.” White House sources could not confirm if turd cleanup falls within the job description of a White House dog walker, but belly scratching is mandatory. Actually, it is possible Bo’s handler is a U.S. Secret Service Agent.

Here is the rest of the story: http://lastresistance.com/1558/obama...ly-dog-walker/

Oh, and in case you missed the point, PRESIDENT OBAMA DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Outrage over the fucking dog!

You'd be OK with it if POTUS lived in a basement with dozens of cats ... Like YOU!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assup, as usual, missed the point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, the POINT is that you feign outrage over everything done by the President, his staff or his family. EVERYTHING.

Kinda makes outrage cheap, don't ya think, Whiny?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, there is an oversupply of outrage with Obama as President. Naturally, the price of outrage would drop. It's the only thing in Obama's economy that is getting less expensive.
SEE3772's Avatar
It's OK...Just wait until the next republican is president.
By then because of FED policy it will be more than 100K
to guard the first dog. People who still love Obama will defend his actions (lol) and blame the next republican president. People love the next republican president will blame Obama... and the people who are truly confused will continue to blame 'a' Bush for everything!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Let them eat cake.
Cost to run the WH under Bush in 2008 were almost $1.6 billion. Obama is running his WH more cheaply than George Bush. So, your feigned outrage over how costs have skyrocketed under Obama, and how he is somehow treated differently than previous presidents, and how he has increased his own perks is....as usual....


Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
All recent Presidents have spent too much on their Royal Presidency, and their profligacy in their personal life tends to make them freely spend their hard working constituents money. At least President Carter kept the thermostats up high and made some decent and genuine gestures towards personal sacrifice.
It has become the custom, or the norm, for Presidents to enjoy the trappings of power. We declare that the occupant of that Office is the most powerful man in the world. He, or She, should live like it.

In the future, when the political tide shifts again, and there is a Republican in the Office, the Democrats will be complaining about the exact same thing.
Maybe. Frankly, if you read the article I linked, the real numbers are pure guesswork. Security is a huge chunk of it.

The real point is that COG's post is part of the conservative echo chamber's story line on Obama. Royalty and all of that bullshit, it's a silly variation on the time-honored republican elitist argument. The reality is that President Obama travels and vacations and plays golf in pretty much the same way all recent presidents have, and quite a bit less than his predecessor.....Bush was on vacation over a thousand days, 32% of his presidency.


I don't have time, or the inclination, to do the research to refute the silly old man's assertion in the title of his OP....that there is someone at the WH who gets paid $100k a year solely to walk the presidential dog. He relies, like he always does, on an unsourced internet article published by a winger website. But, I am reasonably certain that, like pretty much everything else he posts, he has taken some liberties with the truth.

It has become the custom, or the norm, for Presidents to enjoy the trappings of power. We declare that the occupant of that Office is the most powerful man in the world. He, or She, should live like it.

In the future, when the political tide shifts again, and there is a Republican in the Office, the Democrats will be complaining about the exact same thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Let them eat cake. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This is exactly what I was thinking.

Actually, I don't begrudge them a dog walker. They didn't want the dog in the first place; why should we expect them to want to take care of it. Personally, I walk my own dogs, but when I travel I have a dog walker come. It costs me $18 / day. I understand their dog walker would need an extensive background check and what not, but anything more than $25 - $40 a day is ridiculous.

All recent Presidents have spent too much on their Royal Presidency, and their profligacy in their personal life tends to make them freely spend their hard working constituents money. At least President Carter kept the thermostats up high and made some decent and genuine gestures towards personal sacrifice. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

A lot of that was false piety. For instance, the suit cases he carried for himself and made sure the cameras got it for the news? Those were empty. The packed suitcases were carried by someone else behind the scenes. How much do you think the Chrysler limos - that had to be specially ordered - because a Caddie or a Lincoln were too flashy cost the American people?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just more whining from Whiny.

If the Obamas didn't have a dog, he'd be whining about that too.

Somebody needs to be walked, and it isn't BO!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It has become the custom, or the norm, for Presidents to enjoy the trappings of power. We declare that the occupant of that Office is the most powerful man in the world. He, or She, should live like it.

In the future, when the political tide shifts again, and there is a Republican in the Office, the Democrats will be complaining about the exact same thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I totally agree.

But I can't remember the complaining ever stretching this far and wide, do you? Good thing we didn't find out that the First Dog eats horsemeat or shits on the White House lawn, then a lot of the biggest whiners would find themselves on the horns of a real dilemma...
LexusLover's Avatar
But I can't remember the complaining ever stretching this far and wide, do you? ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes ...