Where did HSP go?

I went to send him an email....where did he go :-(

First Big C now HSP...whats going on POUT!!!!
Really strange. I am looking into it as well. Out of pocket for a couple of days and all kinds of things are going on......will keep you posted
He apparently was asked to resign as was Big C?

I found the thread in AK ...very discouraging that someone who spends their time and efforts to do something for a community... for part of that community to turn on you!!
ANONONE's Avatar
HSP always seemed like one of the most upstanding folks around here with impressive mod skills. Looks like he might have missed his footing and stepped into something nasty over in Arkansas. It would be a shame to see him leave over something as silly, although spiraled into a collective hissy fit, as what is public. Perhaps there is more to this than the rest of us will ever know. His voice of reason will be missed. Heck, I didn't always agree with him, but I had to admit he was fair and pretty keen on looking out for what was best for the whole community.

Very sad affairs afoot. . .
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I haven't yet read the AR boards yet (AK is Alaska, BTW ).

I don't know what's going on yet (and may not even after I read the AR boards), but I'll miss HSP.


tracerxxx's Avatar
I don't know any of the other mod's but BigC and HSP was great.. what gives do a good job... and get a pink slip!!!!
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 07-06-2010, 07:15 PM
Fucking weird..they ASKED US a question (posted it on the main board) about who we wanted for a moderator and WE WANT THE ONES WE HAD....Hellooooooooo
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Right now, with the exit of HSP, things are definitely up in the air. I hate to speculate as to what happened so I won't. I did notice HSP's account was disabled so you can't send him an email through ECCIE. I am sure if you pass it on to one of the Super Mods, they can get it to him.

As for the board and the staff, I am sure there are decisions being made all the time that they feel is good for the board. It's something we have to trust since we are not privy to the whole story, good or bad.

I personally want to see the board move on and be a place for hobbyists and providers to make connections and enjoy each others company.

I still think our board in Mississippi is one of the ones without the drama that I have read in other state forums. I think Big C and HSP had a big hand in that. BUT, I think the fact that we have great people in our state forum makes it what it is!! Everyone is great!!
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 07-06-2010, 09:58 PM
I am trying my best Lilith...
I do apologize for the mis-typed state AK=AR I did not get a chance to proof read the post before hitting the submit button...

My only issue is we had 2 individuals that gave up their free time to try to keep a bunch of strangers playing nicely and for the powers to be to fire a volunteer that is being fair is just really strange.

hugz and kisses to all
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I do apologize for the mis-typed state AK=AR I did not get a chance to proof read the post before hitting the submit button... Originally Posted by Lilith
Don't worry about it. It's a very, very common mistake.

My only issue is we had 2 individuals that gave up their free time to try to keep a bunch of strangers playing nicely and for the powers to be to fire a volunteer that is being fair is just really strange. Originally Posted by Lilith
I hang out a lot in the Arkansas forum. I do like the people there, but they've gone through a period which might be well described as a "dysfunctional family circus".

Seems that things seem to be settling down there. We'll see what happens.

I'd not noticed until this morning that HSP's account was disabled. I don't know why, but that's says to me that something "serious" (for whatever values of "serious" are used by the site owner and/or admins) happened. I'm not going to bother speculating.

As I said in the Arkansas forum, I think that HSP was doing a damn good job as mod in conditions that were extremely difficult (the Arkansas dysfunctional family circus). He never stepped on my toes, and I'm not one of the ones (and there were a few) who voiced pleasure at seeing him leave.

Further affiant sayeth not.


Now this is very upsetting news!

I for one was extremely pleased with how HSP was doing as mod!

If something is going on in AR then why not just relieve him of his duties there and have him continue as mod in the other states?

No one that I know of had any issues with him in LA or MS.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Now this is very upsetting news!

I for one was extremely pleased with how HSP was doing as mod!

If something is going on in AR then why not just relieve him of his duties there and have him continue as mod in the other states? Originally Posted by April Showers

I'm sure there are people here who know the whole story (I'm not one of them). They ain't talkin'.

It does raise the implication that whatever the reason, it's one that affects his ability to mod, period, vice control (or lack thereof) over arguably disruptive elements in one regional forum.

But I'm the last to know anything.



But I'm the last to know anything.
Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
You and me both baby!
well apparently TX isn't happy either....ladies read PR under WTF?