New Rules

Due to a ridiculously amount of negative posts and disparraging remarks, there will be stronger enforcement of rules in this forum.
It has come to our attention that the recent attacks and Drama have actually started to Drive away the ladies because of the negativity associated with this area.
From this point forward, disparraging and rude comments towards other members, NEWBIE OR NOT, will absolutely not be tolerated. All Remarks will be removed, and habitual offeneders will be pointed and will have their conduct reviewed over a period of time.

This is a VERY unfortunate step that is taking place, mostly becasue of a few butt-heads. Lets act like adults, have fun, and use this forum for the purposes it was designed, to gather and share information. This is not to be a forum for pissing contests.

If you have questoins, as always, pm or email one of us.
Deepthinker's Avatar
Sorry. I will try to tone it down a little.

Please come back ladies....
And come back newbies! Your opinions matter to me.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-06-2010, 05:26 PM
As one of the buttheads, i've spoken my peace so i'll promise to tone it down also.

After i apologize first, of course.

Sorry everyone.
This is a VERY unfortunate step that is taking place, mostly because of a few [poster edit] butting heads. Originally Posted by Docdave

Less head-buttin', more matin'

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 07-06-2010, 07:24 PM
This is a VERY unfortunate step that is taking place, mostly becasue of a few butt-heads. Originally Posted by Docdave
If this is the case and you know who they are, then why not deal with the "butt-heads" instead of treating us all like children?
more freedom to express should promote more info coming forth. a good thing, yes?
my thoughts:

- y'all seem mostly like nice folk - so, I have this theory.
In conversation - you say something and it is gone.
In print it stays around. The reader can dwell. A slight may grow.
I'm learning it pays to be gentle when printing.

-not every newbie is a shill - it's good it's in the back of your mind, but isn't that a better place for it?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-06-2010, 07:50 PM
If this is the case and you know who they are, then why not deal with the "butt-heads" instead of treating us all like children? Originally Posted by GP
Because if i have to be nice, then so do all the people who aren't butt-heads.
Gp, Believe me when i tell you that we have tried handleing this through back channels and have gotten no where. It may stop for a bit, but then someone else will pick up the lead... This will be a way to eliminate it entirely. If you read the post, and i know you did, about NY being hostile, i made reference to being sick of having to babysit and not wanting to treat MOST members here like children... its no fun for us as mods to have to do this... but our hands have been forced... we didn't do this... this is just the result. IF you want it to change for the better, then as members everyone here has a responsibility to help make that change happen, through your posts.
And just as a clarification, remarks will not be removed, but they will be dealt with in the public forum that they are made in. I do not wish to go down the road of censorship... we get enough of that from our local and national media... ;-)
  • m2244
  • 07-07-2010, 10:06 AM
a comment on why not just go to the providers cant see the PM thats being sent to these "angry posters" this gets two birds with one stone.....tells the hobbyist to stop the mean posts and tells us providers it is being handled so we feel more at ease and want to stay......
skater2's Avatar
It seems many of the old regime like myself (aspders) have either outgrown these forums or lurked in and out once in while to see the state of affairs here. It would certainly be nice to see the new regime build some comradery as we once had.
Good luck...