It's been a while....

ben dover's Avatar
Hi gang, it's Big Yak Daddy from the old ASPD! I haven't been on here in a long time and boy things have changed! New Mods, New ladies, alot to take in. Sorry I missed the M&G. Was this the first since the on I hosted in October '08? Haven't quit the hobby, just slowed down a lot. I haven't had time to surf the net like I used to. I have been real busy with my photography and traveling. I have a few reviews I can catch up on and i'll be checking in here more often now...TTFN Ben
hye BYD,
good to see you alive and well

brutusbluto's Avatar
Welcome BYD!
Nice to hear from you again, BYD.
Wow both will and BYD, in the same post nonetheless... wow.... Welcome back gentelmen.. enjoy the playground.
Deepthinker's Avatar
I will add my greetings BYD. It certainly is a lot to take in if you have been away from the site for months. I am heading out on expedition for a month myself and am looking forward to all the reading I will have to do in August.
Good to see you over here BYD....also willdill you too.I am still alive and kicking and causing trouble as usual.
sunfish's Avatar

welcome back

good to have
ben dover's Avatar
Thanks all... i'll be around more now and like I said i've got a few reviews to catch up on...later...
Thanks also for the tag along welcome guys, never left , just slid UTR with a very special lady
Ben Dover & Willdill5 - who says we don't welcome newbies!


that made my

ty perryay
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 07-08-2010, 12:26 PM
Good to here from you,and
no I won't bend over when
I see you LOL
I think this was first
since the get together
at the lake
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 07-08-2010, 08:03 PM

I knew there was something missing but couldn't put my finger on it. Welcome back!

Hi BYD. I was ASPD loyal and so sad to see it go and just got on here. I too have not stopped but have slowed down. Good to see a familiar name here.