
GTDADDY's Avatar
Got to give props to Ron White since I stole this from him.

I don't understand these Pharmacy companies with there Viagra and Celasis. Yeah it does what they advertise it does and all but they didn't think it through. You take a blue pill and go to your significant other and say. " Hey baby, you want to have some fun?" and she replies. "Ahh honey not tonight I've got a headache." So now you are left with the Playboy channel...and a jar of Vaseline....for four HOURS! What the pharmacy companies should have done is make a pill that makes your jizzum taste like CHOCOLATE! Then you would have ALL kinds of women wanting to get up in there and have some...and wouldn't care it you were hard or soft.........and probably neither would you.
tia travels's Avatar
That's a great idea.
Magritte. Son of Man. 1964