Sweat, my fear of it!

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
So, I am a physical guy, I like to work hard and sweat is always present for me. Way back when I was training Martial Arts, my Master always made me keep a small towel in my Doe Boke (uniform), I was a sweating machine. I love to sweat; it makes me feel alive when I work out. I will admit that I am most self-conscious about sweating during sex. I try and control it as much as possible, being I only host the ladies and do not do in calls. I can shower 10-15 minutes before she arrives. I know some of you ladies do not like the sent of some underarm deodorants, and I rarely use them anyway (natural guy).

When it comes to the ladies, I love it when she is moist and sweats, it is hot and passion will bring out the heat, to feel her moist back as she is on top of me, or as we kiss, are bodies together, I love it. My biggest fear, way beyond the little guy not wanting to go to work is being on top of her and having that bead of sweat ready to drop, very self-conscious about that. I try and keep the room temp at 70- 72 degrees, but once we get going, the heat always rises.

What suggestion do you ladies have for a guy that sweats; I am not an overly sweaty guy, just self-conscious about it. What deodorant do you prefer and what do you feel about this subject. There is always a hand towel near if I need to wipe my brow, and a lovely lady from time to time has done this for me, but it still is a fear I am still working on.

Sweat does not bother me, it natural and we all do it. As far as deodorant, I like the axe they all smell good

Im sure all in all your sweat is not that bother some, your just making more of it than it really is. Just relax and enjoy yourself love!
Simply Alisha's Avatar
I'm with you, darling. I love to sweat! I find that if I don't sweat at the gym, I feel like I didn't do it right...lol

And it's a good sign if you get me to sweat in the bedroom!

I don't mind if you sweat...as long as it doesn't drip in my eye! (it never fails...it happens everytime...lol)

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I think it works well to keep a hand towel near the bed and use it occasionally to dry off your face and neck so you don't drip on the lady. Honestly, I know I'm not the only one who doesn't care for being rained on by sweat -- though I've never experienced that with you DM.
And look who I just so happen to be underneath............mmmm,mmm m!

Ok, sorry........and I'm back. So, don't they call it "pumpin' and sweatin'"? So, of course if you're doing it right you're bound to get a little sweaty. I agree with Alisha and Sophia-just do you're best not to get it all over the ladies' face. I have been rained on and honestly it does kill the mood for me, especially when it drips down into your eye =( but if you keep a towel handy and dry off from time to time and it shouldn't be an issue. Or, you can 80's it up and show up to your date Richard Simmon's style and sport ya a segsi headband ; )
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
And look who I happen to be underneath? I love your avatar. purrrrrfect.
So, I am a physical guy, I like to work hard and sweat is always present for me. Way back when I was training Martial Arts, my Master always made me keep a small towel in my Doe Boke (uniform), I was a sweating machine. Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Your Master didn't happen to be the late, great Douglas Adams, did he?
"A towel... is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough."
— Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I love to sweat; it makes me feel alive when I work out. I will admit that I am most self-conscious about sweating during sex. I try and control it as much as possible, being I only host the ladies and do not do in calls. I can shower 10-15 minutes before she arrives. I know some of you ladies do not like the sent of some underarm deodorants, and I rarely use them anyway (natural guy). Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Personally, I love the scent of mens deodorant. Who even needs cologne when deodorant smells so damn good. I used to put on my ex-boyfriend's deodorant before bed whenever he was out of town. Then again, there was that time a client's deodorant somehow managed to get in my mouth... Yuck! Pros and cons, I suppose.

When it comes to the ladies, I love it when she is moist and sweats, it is hot and passion will bring out the heat, to feel her moist back as she is on top of me, or as we kiss, are bodies together, I love it. My biggest fear, way beyond the little guy not wanting to go to work is being on top of her and having that bead of sweat ready to drop, very self-conscious about that. I try and keep the room temp at 70- 72 degrees, but once we get going, the heat always rises. What suggestion do you ladies have for a guy that sweats; I am not an overly sweaty guy, just self-conscious about it. What deodorant do you prefer and what do you feel about this subject. There is always a hand towel near if I need to wipe my brow, and a lovely lady from time to time has done this for me, but it still is a fear I am still working on. Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Eh, don't worry too much about that. When I was with my very first boyfriend for the first time the AC in my apartment broke mid-coitus... That drop of sweat you are talking about, yeah, it landed in my eye. Fortunately that didn't impede our escapades in the slightest and 6 years later we are still great friends. My number one suggestion is to not worry about it. If it happens, it happens... Plenty of other physical mishaps could happen which I personally think are much worse. Keep a washcloth by your bed (oh wait, you already do!) and if you feel that bead of sweat ready to drop at any moment, use it. No big deal. If I see it, I'll do it for you. You could also bury your head in the pillow and get rid of it that way if you the task at hand would be hindered by reaching for the towel... Just don't keep it there for too long, you're too pretty to keep your face buried.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Liv, you are my kind of girl, we will have to visit Saturn together some time.