Pay to hide all ads?

Any chance Eccie might consider allowing members to pay to avoid all of the darn ads! This website pops up every fifth link I click and it sucks, plus every page I open the first thing I have to do is page down, page down, page down, it is annoying. The pop-up and the stuff all over the top and all over the sides....... before we know it, we'll have to page down twice and then three times before getting to the content.

I fully understand the reason behind the ads, but if a user doesn't want to have them popping up and taking up all of the space on the screen, is it possible to allow a user to pay to get these ads out of their face?

I would pay to stop the annoying pop-up and to not have to see the ads on the top of every page.
I'm sure it's all negotiable, PS. Throw 'em an offer and see if they'll delete the ads for the fee you suggest....
I personally don't negotiate because I view negotiating as....... tacky in most scenarios. If eccie wanted my input, then and only then would I share my thoughts.

I wouldn't throw them an offer because it isn't my place to set the price point. They can, will, and do run things however they want and charge whatever they want, and I respect that.

The goal would be....... not to have eccie delete the ads, just to hide them so paying members don't have to see them.

The primary question I have is, is it possible to allow a user to pay to get these ads out of their face? Even if eccie considers it, and even if eccie wants to make the change, it may not be possible the way things have been put together.
Rodneykc's Avatar
I agree, these pop up ads are a distraction.
bartipero's Avatar
"I personally don't negotiate because I view negotiating as....... tacky in most scenarios. ..."

I've got some ocean front property in Arizona, from my front porch you can see the shinin' sea. I'll sell it to you --one price. You likey.
Glad I didn't say tacky in all scenarios!

Before the negotiating begins I just have one question...... ocean front property in Arizona....... any chance there's a golf course in the backyard?
Attempting to confirm we are talking about the Arizona on planet Earth.