Amid the shouts of USA! USA! and Neil Diamond helping to heal the city by singing poorly at a Red Sox game, there lies a real tragedy. By this I mean the willingness of the Boston people to surrender virtually ALL of their rights to the government for a short period of time.
Boston and other cities effectively closed for a day, while citizens cringed and begged the government to protect them from ONE PERSON! Searching homes and businesses with not a single warrant in sight. Are you fucking kidding me? Boston Strong? Bullshit. More like Boston "help me".
And who was hurt by this? You guessed it. The working class. If you receive an hourly rate, or tips, or own a small business, guess what? You lost a day of productivity. Didn't get those hours in, or get those tips, or make those sales, because your government was PROTECTING YOU!
What a bunch of cowards. This is how the police state will arrive. We just got a sneak preview in Boston.