The Negativity Posters

I thought I would post about something that bothers me or should I say irritates the hell out of me. The tendency of certain posters on this site to inject a negative response or thougtht into nearly all threads they respond to.
It doesn't matter if the thread is a light hearted one just to ask a silly question or a more serious thread asking or commenting on serious issues.
These folks will almost always take the negative side and bring the whole thread down with their cloudy outlooks. We all have seen these posts ,you cannot miss them. They are everywhere ,in the threads in just about every forum and definitely in responses to reviews. Now I am talking about a couple guys who seem to have serious issues with providers and women in general. The terms they use when talking about the ladies are almost always derogatory. Using the terms prostitutes, whores,hookers all the more degrading terms to describe the ladies who we meet and discuss on this and other boards. Of course we have seen them use the same terms for non-providers also. They show zero respect for the women and treat them and talk about them like they are lesser human beings.
They love to talk about how they don't even see providers but find their women in the real world ,etc. I have never seen the sense for them to even comment here if this is their attitudes.
They seem to be more troll than anything else. With zero or very few reviews but tons of posts. I'm sure these guys have a tough time meeting the ladies here and probably get rejected by most. I guess they don't see themselves in a negative light and don't understand that the ladies read their posts and when they see the negative thoughts these guys have they make certain to put them on the do not see list.
Maybe they should learn that if you treat the ladies with respect 99% of the ime they will go out of their way to treat you very well.
It just bugs the hell out of me that too many times they seem to drag a perfectly good thread or conversation down. They seem to be constantly in conflict with other users in the forums always carrying on verbal attacks and hateful posts. When called out on their actions they are always on the defensive talking about they are just trying to serve the greater good on the site.
Greater good? By bringing us all down?
I know there are always two sides of any argument but when no one is trying to start an argument why do these guys feel the need to . Very seldom do these guys responses have any merit other than to inflame or to inject their own hate towards women.
Personally I feel its up to all of us to call these individuals out every time they make a post that is intentionally done to insult or degrade the women without real reason or just a to inflate these guys obviously bruised egos.
This site is about information and I would hope having fun. I know that is why I am here and for the most part have a great time. It's just these annoying pests that just keep buzzing around with there b.s. get old very quick.
Well I guess my rant is over.Again just something that really really irritates me.
mtabsw's Avatar
+1 Well stated.

A couple of addenda

First, use the ignore button, and if you don't, don't feed the trolls.

Second, ladies, take note of these words. The few hobbyists I know at some level are a small sample, but I think are representative of the provider "sweet spot" - basically nice guys who hobby for fun, to de-stress, to fill voids in their lives with a decent amount of disposable income. The following is my experience, and I again am not speaking for the full population.

I have always made every effort to be polite, courteous, respectful and as professional as a naked sweaty old guy can be. I am on-time, pay the fee, don't negotiate and inevitably bring a trinket that's maybe 10-20% or so of the session fee. I am freshly showered/shaved etc for my appointments, clean, careful, and get myself tested regularly even though safe-sex is a rule, herpes and other STDs can get transmitted with or without condoms.

My small rotation makes me feel like they've won the lottery every time i see them. I frankly have never had a "bad" session, even with some I'm not a regular with - I do my homework and choose well-reviewed providers who seem to share my position of mutual respect in a very personal professional relationship.

The board personas of this group of girls is equally civil and respectful. They don't whine, they don't go negative, they don't go out of their way to create drama and get into internet pissing contests where everyone looks stupid. One asked me awhile back for advice when under attack, and I told her to take the high road, and not reply. It blew over, as far as I know her business didn't tank, and in one instance, one told me her business actually picked up as WKs started PMing to express their sympathies, and then ended up scheduling.

DON'T screw this up ladies! I like to think that regular customers are your life-blood and it would be idiotic to behave negatively.

The sickos looie referred to are ignored I think, and the good clients will see through their bad board behavior. If you fall into the negative or react to some of the idiots, some of us start thinking "too much drama, too much stress" and if they were thinking about adding that provider to their rotation, or giving her a try-out - she goes off the list.

my dos pesos.
looie, you are one of the best guys out there! Thank you for always being respectful and a TRUE gentleman on the boards.

I've read A LOT of posts lately where guys are basically dehumanizing us providers, and it makes me want to throw up. They have their minds made up and probably will never change. They are ignorant, hurtful and down right mean. They get some sort of satisfaction degrading and hiding behind a keyboard. I've learned to ignore them and pity them for their lack of intelligence and respect towards women.

My job here is to meet wonderful men and give them outstanding service, and most importantly STAYING POSITIVE!! Life is too short to be anything but happy
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

  • T-Can
  • 07-14-2010, 12:16 PM
Another sign of a negativity poster - when they don't use spaces to separate paragraphs/thoughts. This creates blood pressure to rise which leads to posting of hate and discontent! *just messin' with ya, loooie*
Another sign of a negativity poster - when they don't use spaces to separate paragraphs/thoughts.
Well cando I actually do that each time but when I submit it always makes it all a block. Maybe I'm doin something wrong.
Don't mind CanDo, looie. He's just being an ass (which is part of his magic).

Shit...! Was that too negative of me?
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Damn loo, I read somewhere you got laid yesterday I guess it didn't take.

Your right.
I prefer just to ignore the negative crap on here and just be happy I can get laid at 6am on a wednesday morning.
Sadly, too many people subscribe to the "Glass is Half Empty" club, and it impairs their ability to maintain a positive outlook and treat people with respect.

Used to work for a guy, who had this tag line; "No negative vibes." Simple, but it works for me.

Hobby On!
Bit of negativity in this post I'd say. Maybe you have some points about degrading language but this is a public forum, anything that is "allowed" can be said. Its up to you to ignore people you don't personally agree with. I feel its necessary to have ALL opinions expressed in order to have a real community. I don't see any need for censorship just because you don't like what's being said...we have forum rules for that...and we all abide by the same rules. If I wanted only positivity all day, i'd be on Ever watched the news lately ?? Much more negativity in the world than positivity.
Actually not a bit of negativity in my post.
Except against those who do as I described.
It is a public forum and yes there rules including those against personal attacks on the women and other users alike. What these guys post are hardly opinions but their own personal little vendettas against the providers.
Ignoring these folks just allows them to win. We shouldn't have to skip over posts because we know these posters have ruined it yet again.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Bad reviews I can tolerate. Split infinitives drive me nuts!!
SweetAterPie's Avatar
The sun'll come out tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun!

Just thinkin about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow, till there's none!

When I'm stuck a day thats gray and lonely I just stick out my chin and grin and say oh!

The sun'll come out tomorrow so ya gotta hang on till tomorrow come what may Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow!
you're always a day a way!

Life is one big locker room and there is gonna be some towel-snapping every now and then - no big woop !