qnot sure if tis is proper venue....looking to start my own agency

I AM Belladonna1..VERY WEL KNOWN TRI-STATE PAST FEW .OK MANY YEARS....i AM TRYING TO RUN A CATERING BUSINESS....9-5 AND HOBBY..............WELL I AM running on empty...sooooo I was thinking run my own biz/agency.................anyone know how I sall start as I have noooooo clue....I am anal on WHO...must be drug free honest 2 references of reputable gents.....I have connections of gebts in many areas I just can NOT fly to.....spend weekends with...as ewwww NOT orking out....sooo anyone with suggestions...HELP.....i HAVE lawyer coming up with waiver girls/guys must sign......as I will NOT be legal responsible for WHAT ever par-takes.......anyway...........h elp.........................th ank u BELLA CIAO..........ohh Im still on hobby...juat cant do it all.......................CIAO bellagfe570@gmail.com
i will be your client