i Wanna b ur Bitch: the promo video (0:59)

Cityjazz's Avatar
Just a little more fun for y'all

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
That's a classic!
This is the coolest thing I've ever witnessed in my whole entire life. I say Cityjazz is more interesting than that guy on the dos xx commercials.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
That's awesome! Nice to see something interesting and fun going on around here
Too funny. Something good too read on a Monday morning whiile drinking coffee.
EPIC... To Say the Least!!!
Dandito's Avatar
Sounds like you are pulling out all the stops on this one. I can't wait!
Can I be the ring guy?
Cityjazz's Avatar
Help! I've been kidnapped by the moderator gods and trapped in the least read section of the site... Argh! I don't even think there's enough air to breathe in here, and if I bump this thread more than once, they're gonna come back and beat me up!
Help! I've been kidnapped by the moderator gods and trapped in the least read section of the site... Argh! I don't even think there's enough air to breathe in here, and if I bump this thread more than once, they're gonna come back and beat me up! Originally Posted by Cityjazz
I am shocked this was moved to sandlot. I highly doubt this will get to the bottom of the page anytime soon
This is classic.........LOL

The fight of the century! :-)
pyramider's Avatar
Shouldn't they all be running to each other in stripper heels?
MojoR's Avatar
  • MojoR
  • 05-06-2013, 09:18 PM
Nicely done!
omakase's Avatar
CityJazz just took this hobby to another level!