Hot Wax Play

This post is mostly meant for the Providers that have done this type of activity. I've had hot wax applied and some ladies are better than others at "hitting the right spots" while it's performed. Some of the questions I have are:

1. Is hot wax play on it's own a requested activity?
2. Does hot wax play alway precede/involve sexual activity?
3. What spots are usually targeted for hot way play?
4. Does getting "waxed" help understanding the art of providing?
5. Are there particular types of candles that should be used?
6. Are there some spots too sensitive for wax? I'd think the small of the back might be one for me?
7. Is the height from which the wax is dropped affect the recipient's enjoyment?
8. Does wax play involve BDSM or submission?
9. Do restraints..gags..blindfolds.. plugs..strapons, etc..enhance the experience?

  • RoxyG
  • 05-06-2013, 05:00 PM
I love wax play and do that type of play often. Always fun to add some ice also. You can apply wax anywhere, but the cock and balls and nipples are the most requested. Some candles wax is hotter than others and pouring from different heights does change the temperature of the wax. You can use restraints and blindfolds. Just really matters on your comfort levels.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have done candle wax play in sessions...on me & my client.
It can be so erotically orgasmic!!!!

I like to oil the body down first as it makes it easier to clean off dried wax and does not leave "marks"

3. What spots are usually targeted for hot way play? I like it on my back/butt & boobs...not the pussy!

5. Are there particular types of candles that should be used? i use those tall thin "religous candles" ... they form a nice puddle and are easier to pour

6. Are there some spots too sensitive for wax? I'd think the small of the back might be one for me? my pussy is too sensative for hot wax...but my butt loves it!

I love hot wax play.
Lhornbk's Avatar
I had never even considered it before because it sounded painful to me. But Roxanne Reynolds poured candle wax on me while she had me blindfolded recently. It wasn't really hot; warm would be a better description (she blew out the candle before she began pouring, so I'm guessing that kept it from being so hot. I felt her lean across my body, and could smell the smoke smell you sometimes get from right after a candle is blown out. I was worried that she might be about to do that, but when it was just warm instead of hot I wasn't sure what she was doing (she ordered me to not touch where she was pouring it. She poured some on my nipples and balls, and it was very erotic. I think alot of the eroticism came from the anticipation and not knowing what was really going on. I don't know how high she held it before she poured it, so I don't know if that made a difference or not. But I will definitely let her do it again if she so desires (actually, I probably won't have much choice, she generally does whatever she wants to me.)
I had a lady in San Fran explain that different colors of candles burned at different temps. Then she proceded to show me by lighting them and dripping on me. You could definitely tell the difference on sensitive areas. Another lady in Detroit got done with the wax, knocked most of it off with a crop, then threw a hot washcloth on my genitals that had the wax treatment. Now that was truly painful. That was like hot oil poured on my cock and balls. One of the few times I have actually yelled in pain. She kissed and licked it all and made it feel better afterwards, tho. So it was worth it.
Oooooooooo.......... I like this thread! I bring candles with me when I visit a city, so I may have to try this.
I was wondering, what color candles produce what amount of heat? Does it matter if the candle is scented? I ask because I favor vanilla or gardenia scented candles to most others.
I Love Love Love hot wax and candle play!

For myself, I use beeswax candles. They have a low melting point, and smell sweet when burning. Much easier on the nipples, belly and over genitalia. To be honest, beeswax has a sweet taste too when cooled on the skin with cold Prosecco, mixed with sweat. Especially when you're hungry for your Lover. Blow the candle out, turn it around and plunder his Sweet Rose... Round two begins
Pease be careful when using "regular ole candles" for wax play. there are ways to temper it (like blowingit out before dripping). a few pro tips....

1. The type of wax sets thestarting burn temperature. Tallow and beeswax should be avoided unless you know what youre doing since they burn the hottest.
2. Pure paraffin or soy candles work the best as they stay cooler.
3. Avoid scented candles. The oils that are used to add the scent make the candle burn hotter. Add that in with a hotter wax and you're begging for trouble.
34 Colors do affect melting point. White is always coolest.....the darker the hotter it gets. Red and blue generally being on the hotter end.

Start by pouring from high above the "bottom" (receiver, submissive, whatever you want to call them). This lets the wax cool in the air as it falls. Then you can bring the candle lower until you find a tolerance point. Certain candles work easier than others, but you always need to be careful with "pooling." Generally I light a candle and use it immediately. Don't grab ones that have been burning and use them, you run the risk of poring a hot pool out...unintentionally. The large mass doesn't cool the same as droplets.

Experiment with different candle types and bodily locations. Certain areas though sensitive, can still be targets so long as the partner is truly into it and ten candle is a cooler one.