Grotesque - Vultures pick a body clean in 50 minutes

I figure lions, bears or other big mammals could do it that fast.

But birds? Even big ones? I guess it depends on how many vultures there were?

Nothing left but her bones, shoes, and clothes.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-09-2013, 02:53 PM
well, that's certainly a far cry from Benghazi

aside from the whirlies, JD's and IB's ... eeeerrrr vultures
Regardless of what the paper said, I hope she was dead before the vultures started tearing and eating.

Old Dingus
bojulay's Avatar
I thought this was another thread about Obama's war on the middle class.
I thought this was another thread about Obama's war on the middle class. Originally Posted by bojulay
Now that you mention it, I bet WTF is still ringing his bell! Kill 'em off! Eat 'em up!!!

Old Dingus
jbravo_123's Avatar
Given that that's their primary food source (carrion), it makes sense to me that they'd be able to do it quickly.

Still impressive though...
Quote Josey Wales..........."Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-09-2013, 04:09 PM
Quote Josey Wales..........."Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms". Originally Posted by Jackie S
I recon so.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-09-2013, 04:11 PM
Bear carcass before Vultures ..

apparently Bears don't eat Junk
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Life in the jungle is totally savage and ruthless business.

I saw a water buffalo stuck in the mud and attacked by a pack of hyenas.

It was a shocking scene to watch the poor animal still alive and standing as these ghoulish animals tore hunks of flesh of its hide as they ate the animal alive.

. . . Lions at least have the decency to kill their prey before eating it, but not these bastards!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I figure lions, bears or other big mammals could do it that fast.

But birds? Even big ones? I guess it depends on how many vultures there were?

Nothing left but her bones, shoes, and clothes. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ex-Nyer watch a few more of episodes of National Geographic- that's what Vultures and Buzzards will do- lions and bears only feed until full they will often leave "meat" - Hyenas and Crocs are perhaps the most notorious they would have digested the bones as well. Remember E-Nyer Vultures are DESIGNED to be scavengers.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Don't watch this if you are squeamish- check out what the Crocs do to this poor Zebra.:
Ex-Nyer watch a few more of episodes of National Geographic- that's what Vultures and Buzzards will do- lions and bears only feed until full they will often leave "meat" - Hyenas and Crocs are perhaps the most notorious they would have digested the bones as well. Remember E-Nyer Vultures are DESIGNED to be scavengers. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No. They EVOLVED to be scavengers.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No. They EVOLVED to be scavengers. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Lol yeah you are right because when the vultures first appeared on earth they ate fruits, berries, and grass and then one day a vulture said fuck it I am tired of eating these berries, nuts and grain I want meat- than all of a sudden they started producing offsprings with these huge beaks to penetrate flesh-oh and also huge talons to help shred meat- oh wait it didn't stop there-remarkable the new "offspring" developed a sense of smell that is unmatched in the animal kingdom. A vulture can smell a dead carcass within minutes-heck within second of death- don't believe me watch a video of almost any kill in Africa and see how quick a vulture gets to the scene.
Yep you are right Ex-Nyer that just evolved all this shit over night- none of it was designed.
Ex-Nyer would it be possible for humans to "evolve" ourselves where we all have great speed, perfect vision, huge penises, chiseled ripped body- hell woudn't all humans benefit if we could fly-save on gas for sure- how long will it take to evolve those attributes?
Yep you are right Ex-Nyer that just evolved all this shit over night- none of it was designed. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No, it evolved over millions of years - not over night. Stop deliberately mis-describing evolution in order to make your creationist and intelligent design bullshits appear less ridiculous.

Ex-Nyer would it be possible for humans to "evolve" ourselves where we all have great speed, perfect vision, huge penises, chiseled ripped body- hell woudn't all humans benefit if we could fly-save on gas for sure- how long will it take to evolve those attributes?? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I would be happy if you just evolved an IQ above room temperature.