Oily Fun

omakase's Avatar
Found a video of two women wrestling in the nude. Their glistening bodies writhing around is extremely arousing. However, the thought of cleaning up is a downer.

Are plastic sheets or inflatable kiddie pools the only way to go? Especially if you had to set this up in a hotel room or someone else's incall? Would appreciate best practices on safety and clean up for activities like this.

The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Found a video of two women wrestling in the nude. Their glistening bodies writhing around is extremely arousing. However, the thought of cleaning up is a downer.

Are plastic sheets or inflatable kiddie pools the only way to go? Especially if you had to set this up in a hotel room or someone else's incall? Would appreciate best practices on safety and clean up for activities like this.

Originally Posted by omakase
Found myself in the company of 3 really wild and crazy gals one night after a concert several years ago. We spread out a painters drop cloth, aired up a kiddy pool, got out a jug of wesson oil, got naked and the slippin and slidin began. I honestly have to say it was a blast. We all laughed the whole time. This has been nearly 30 yrs ago...I was 23 and the gals were all 30 or 40 something yo Mary Kay reps in town for a meeting. Safe sex was not as well emphasized then as it is now. My pole found lots of holes that night. After we all collapsed in a pile of slippery stuff, we got up and rotated through the shower...girl one and me, girl two and me, girl three and me....I had nearly forgotten how much fun it was!

Grab a pool and some plastic, an open minded gal (or guy) if thats your thing and have a blast!
DallasRain's Avatar
omakase's Avatar
Thanks for the tip. I think a trip to Home Depot is in order!!!
Dandito's Avatar
I too have wanted to try this. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of oil to use? I know some oil based lubes tend to breakdown latex which can be a problem.

Nuru gel comes to mind. Odorless, tasteless, water based and non toxic, but I have never tried it...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think that cheap throw away plastic tarps thrown over a mattress, or floor, would probably work very nicely.

I invested in a play mat from the Liberator company a few years back.


When I'm done with it, I stick it in the shower and wash it off with soap and water. But unless you're going to be doing a bunch of messy play, it's probably not worth the trouble.

I'm much older than many of this group and I remember the vegetable oil fun. I didn't do it a lot but I did do it.

I would probably go with grapeseed oil or a more commercial/organic/Nuru massage oil instead of the vegetable oil.

But heck, whatever works, right?

My cheap nickel advice for the day: When doing messy play, keep a few clean towels within reach. Especially when you're slipping and sliding all over the place. With my mat, if things are really slippery, you HAVE to have that damn towel to get some traction going if you wish to delve in a different direction.

Or reach for a condom.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll tell you my new favorite brand of massage and body oil. It's a brand (out of Kansas City, no less) called Zum oil. Actually, the company is called Indigo Wild but they have these products called "zum".


I like the frankincense and myrrh for me, personally. It's going to be too strong for most people, probably. But the line of products are just great!

Zum. Zum. Zum!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
For a cheap toy safe oil that can be used in large amounts I would go with Grape seed or coconut oil. Nuru oil is 20 bucks for 2oz and scented oils may not be tolerated well internally as Im sure some penetration will be going on in some form or fashion. Avoid any petroleum based oil as these are not safe for internal use....and we all know we wanna licky licky and sucky sucky.............Slurp on.......Yum!!
  • DinDC
  • 05-12-2013, 05:54 PM
I've had good luck with disposable drop cloths and Nuru for slippin/slidin sessions! Just don't get the thinnest drop cloths though (like 0.4 mil). They are so light that they want to stick to you. And Nuru (water based) is a whole lot easier to clean up than an oil...
I think that cheap throw away plastic tarps thrown over a mattress, or floor, would probably work very nicely.

I invested in a play mat from the Liberator company a few years back.


When I'm done with it, I stick it in the shower and wash it off with soap and water. But unless you're going to be doing a bunch of messy play, it's probably not worth the trouble.
Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

That mat looks like so much fun....I'll even help you clean it up afterwards.
Candi Staxx's Avatar
I definitely had to opportunity to do something similar. It was fun and freaky for sure ( just 4 girls) but do NOT enjoy drinks and then try this....