Strapon Play - ID'ing a Woman That Will (and Won't!!)

Say you have a desire to see what it feels like to be pegged by a woman wearing a strapon. Aside from Providers how would you appraoch a woman about doing something like this? I'd presume that some men would feel uneasy about asking their wife or girlfriend about this out of fear that she would crinkle up her nose and forever see you as a "bit gay" or "less than the man she saw you to be...before this disgusting request."

Are they the women wearing slacks at a bar? The ones with their nose pierced? Do they need to be tatted up or belong to a club where such a woman is more likely to be found? How do you ID such a unique oman? OR....are there more of them out there than any of us realize?
DallasRain's Avatar
ya just never know who has a kinky

{how about a double with two chicks with}

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Ummmm I think I recall that playtime....and many others where we have tag teamed a lucky boy or two.Slurp!!